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Best Kitchen Life Hacks

Beige designed kitchen with island and dark bar chairs
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

When you are cooking in your kitchen, there are many small actions we can take to speed the process along and make things easier on ourselves. There are life hacks for everything but, with our best kitchen life hacks, you’ll learn how to effectively manage your kitchen space and prepare meals faster than ever before!

We have a selection of these life hacks below. They have been chosen with the average reader in mind, so everybody should find something useful below. Our advice ranges from alternative ways to prepare ingredients to handy pieces of equipment that will make cooking a breeze.

For more life hacks that can be used in the kitchen, you can find more at

Wrap Banana Stems

Beige designed kitchen with island and dark bar chairs
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Bananas are one of the fastest-perishing fruits out there when they are left on the countertop. Even when the fruit inside might be fine, the skin of bananas becomes brown very fast, and so many people don’t want to touch them. Once they are turning brown, they’ll go off much faster too.

However, there’s a very easy way of keeping bananas bright and yellow for longer. While it may be tempting to keep bananas in their bunches, you need to separate them. Then, once separated, you should wrap the banana stem with plastic wrap or foil. This traps ethylene gas in the stem, so it doesn’t flow down to the rest of the fruit and accelerate the ripening process.

Touch Eggshells With Wet Fingers

Even the most successful chefs have had to scrape eggshells out of a bowl at some point. If you still have trouble with this when working with eggshells, there is a fast and easy way to remove them. All you need to do is wet your fingers, which is probably a good idea anyway since you’re sticking your finger into raw egg mixture.

Not only do you clean your hands, but your wet fingers also now have higher surface tension. This means that any solids in the mixture, like the shell pieces, will stick to your fingers and be easier to remove.

Peel Ginger With A Spoon

Dining room with round table and chairs and kitchen with kitchen island and dark bar chairs
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

When working with fresh ingredients, nothing can be more difficult to peel than ginger. Since ginger has a very thin layer of skin on the root, you may spend too long trying to cut it off without wasting any of that precious ginger beneath it. You may have even considered getting some fancy tool to take the skin off quickly and effectively.

Fortunately, you already have what you need. You need to grab a spoon and drag it down the sides of the ginger, with the convex side facing you. That should be strong enough to peel the skin away with virtually no waste. It also allows you to maneuver past the imperfections on the surface of the root.

Make Cakes With Mugs

If baking isn’t your forte, everybody can master the mug cake. They’re small and portioned well, so you won’t be tempted to eat more than your fair share in one night, and you’d be surprised how tasty they can be. There’s also fast and there’s less washing up afterward.

All you need to do is coat the mug with non-stick spray, whisk an egg inside, and then stir in a quarter cup of nut butter or, if you prefer chocolate, chocolate spread like Nutella. Leave it in the microwave for 60 seconds and it should be done.

Freeze Juice To Save It

Kitchen with big table, bar chairs and kitchen elements
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Many professional restaurants use this tip to save some cash and avoid wasting food. Get an ice cube tray and use it to save juice. Freeze the juice of fruits and vegetables, even leftover broth, and you can then use it when you make another dish that can use some flavoring. You’ll have pre-made stock that can be thrown into soups, stews, and other dishes where everything but the kitchen sink is a candidate for the recipe list.

Get A Spiralizer

As for helpful equipment that will make your life in the kitchen easier, a spiralizer is a fast and convenient way to prepare most vegetables into curly ribbons. This is invaluable for those who cook for vegetarians and vegans, where spiralized zucchini, cucumber, cabbage or onion can be used.

In fact, you can even pass a potato or sweet potato through most spiralizers. Then you can throw it onto a parchment paper and cook it with a spoonful of oil until it’s golden and cooked, then you have crispy, curly fries.

Thanks to for consulting.

Swimming Pool Safety: 7 Ways to Keep Your Pool Clean

A house with a pool
Used with permission of Blackband Design

It’s no secret that pools are a breeding ground for bacteria. The water in them is warm and moist, creating the perfect environment for microbes to thrive. That means it’s not enough to just clean your pool; you have to really scrub it down every time. Otherwise, you’ll be exposing yourself or others to harmful toxins like e-Coli, salmonella, and staphylococcus. If you want cleaner water, follow these tips below.

Why It’s Important to Keep Your Pool Clean

A house with a pool
Used with permission of Blackband Design

To ensure that your pool is clean, you’ll need to keep it at the same level of cleanliness throughout. If not, then there’s a chance that you could be exposing yourself or your family members to harmful bacteria. After all, the water in your pool is warm and moist: perfect conditions for bacteria to thrive in. That’s why it’s so important to keep up with cleaning on a regular basis.

Tips for Keeping Your Pool Safe and Bacteria-free

There’s no doubt that keeping your pool clean is essential, but it’s just as crucial to make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe. Here are a few tips for ensuring that your pool is bacteria-free:

Clean your pool regularly

You should clean your pool, not just when it looks dirty. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you must remember this tip when cleaning your pool. It’s essential to make sure that it is cleaned regularly to get rid of any harmful bacteria.

Don’t forget to skim the surface of the water. Scum will build up on the water’s surface over time, making it difficult for light to penetrate deep enough into the water for necessary photosynthesis to occur. That means algae will also grow more easily without being exposed to sunlight, which spells trouble.

Use a pool cover

Used with permission of Blackband Design

A pool cover can help reduce the amount of debris and dirt accumulating in your pool, which means there’s less for you to clean later on.

You’ll also want to ensure that your cover is installed correctly so that kids don’t use it as a climbing wall. If there are any exposed metal legs from your decking, those can pose threats as well because they can easily scratch or puncture through the material of your pool cover. You will also need a special winterizing kit specially designed for swimming pools in colder climates.

Pay attention to the temperature and pH levels of your pool

You must check your pool water’s temperature and pH levels regularly to ensure that they’re staying within a safe range. If not, you can experience irritations with your skin or even respiratory problems when using the pool.

The ideal pH level for your pool should be between 7.2 and 7.8 to prevent any irritation to your skin or respiratory problems.

Test for chemical balances

Testing for chemical balances such as chlorine is also essential, especially if you live by a lake or other large body of water where different chemicals might be present in the water and contaminate your swimming spot.

Chemical balances are essential to test for in your pool because they will help you know which kinds of chemicals you need to be using. For example, if you’re wondering whether or not your pool needs more chlorine, then you’ll know what kind of chemical to use next time instead of guessing which might work best.

Mosquito control

One of the main ways mosquitoes spread bacteria is by biting people who have recently been in contact with a contaminated pool. If your mosquito problem is severe, then it’s best to call in an exterminator to take care of things for you. Just be sure that they know what kind of mosquitoes and larvae you’re dealing with so that they can advise you on the proper mosquito control methods to use.

Keep an eye out for any signs of potential hazards

House pool and yard
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Check around your home before entering your pool to ensure that small children who might run into your pool won’t get hurt.

It’s also important to make sure that there aren’t any hazards lying around your pool area. For example, if you have a trampoline, make sure it’s at least 10 feet away from your pool so that kids won’t be tempted to jump on it and accidentally fall into the swimming hole instead.

Have a professional check your equipment

Professional cleaning services offer homeowners a wide range of maintenance tasks, from pressure washing floors and windows to check up on gutters and roof tiles. If you need help ensuring that all aspects of your home are working properly, then look no further than a professional cleaning company.

Final Thoughts

If you want to maintain a healthy pool environment, several important tasks need to be done regularly. These include checking the surface of your water for algae and scum buildup, testing pH levels to make sure they’re at an appropriate level, and keeping an eye out for any potential hazards around your home. You’ll also want to make sure you have a proper winterizing kit if it gets cold outside where you live and call in professional help when dealing with severe mosquito problems. The most important thing is ensuring safety while maintaining cleanliness.

5 Tips To Choose The Right Plumber for Your Miami Home

Bathroom with tub and sinks
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Living in Miami is a dream for many. Being a homeowner in Miami can be challenging at times. Often, you encounter serious maintenance issues that need immediate attention. If you are one of the 13,85,639 homeowners in Miami, you already know that any maintenance issue can pop up at any time.

Plumbing is one such issue, and it is important to hire professionals to take care of plumbing issues. You can hire a Miami plumber to take care of your plumbing problems. Whether it’s a clogged drainage system or a leaking shower, their experience and training will help them deal with any kind of plumbing issues.

Bathroom with tub and sinks
Used with permission of Blackband Design

But how do you identify the right plumber for your needs? Here are four tips for choosing the right plumber for your Miami home.

1. Ask for Recommendations

Finding the right plumber can be easy if you know where to look. So, ask around. Your friends, colleagues, or neighbors may have recently hired a plumber to deal with their plumbing problems and may be able to recommend a reliable plumber for your needs.

2. Check the licenses and certifications

White sink with a vase with rose roses in the bathroom
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Once you come across a plumber, make sure they are the right person for the job. Ask them for their licenses or certifications to ensure they are qualified and authorized to carry out the job. If they lack the requisite training, they might worsen the situation instead of fixing it, leading to more expensive repairs.

So, it is essential to know whether the plumber has the necessary skills and licenses to fix your plumbing issue. Discuss your plumbing issues with them and ask them how they will fix them. If they sound convincing and have the necessary licenses, you can go ahead and hire them.

3. Discuss the price

Always discuss the pricing before hiring a plumber. Many people do not discuss the pricing beforehand and end up paying more than they should because they didn’t confirm the pricing.

The cost of hiring a Miami plumber can range anywhere from $70 to $80 per hour for residential work and $90 to $110 per hour for commercial work. Make sure you discuss and negotiate the pricing with the plumber before you hire them.

Many plumbers also charge a lump sum for bigger and complex plumbing work where hourly charges are not feasible. Remember to ask them which parts can be repaired and which ones need to be replaced, as replacements will cost you extra.

4. Ask for a warranty of work and parts

Kitchen with kitchen island and bar chairs
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Many plumbing problems require replacing faulty parts. Remember to ask for warranties of replaced parts and also to find out how to claim the warranty. Make sure the replacement parts they buy for you are genuine and high-quality.

Alternatively, you could also choose to buy the replacement parts yourself, if you don’t want to simply trust your plumber’s word.

The best plumbers will have sufficient training and experience, enabling them to deal with all kinds of plumbing problems. In addition, they will also have all the necessary equipment to handle various types of plumbing issues. Make sure you hire only experienced, certified plumbers for the best results.

Thanks to for consulting.

7 Great Lawn Care Tips For Beginners

Front of the house with lawn
Used with permission of Emily Followill

Having a lush green turf of natural grass is a dream of almost all homeowners. Caring for the lawn is also a good feeling. A homeowner will have to work towards a well-cared and blossoming lawn.

The results are very beautiful and the lush green turf and grass carpet is a manifestation of your dedicated efforts over a period. Below are the important lawn care tips and basics for beginners that you should know if you are new to lawn care.

Front of the house with lawn
Used with permission of Emily Followill

1. Know the Soil

When you know more about the soil of your lawn, you can care for it better. For a green turf, what goes underneath the ground is also important. For instance, if you are aware of the pH level of the soil, you can adapt better measures to ensure that healthy grass grows in your lawn.

Professional service or certain agricultural Departments of the government (including the County extension office) can provide you with information on the soil laboratories and the test kits.

You will have to take the soil samples including the samples of the problematic soil areas of the loan (for instance the bare areas). The lab and the experts can provide you with recommendations based on the results of the test.

2. Fix the Issues

Once you get the results of the soil test, you can pursue the recommendations. The lab recommendations will bring to notice certain soil amendments that can be used to improve the potential of the lawn.

For instance, you can add more lime to the soil to ensure that it has an appropriate and facilitative pH and can draw on the nutrients.

3. Inquire about the Best Grasses

Lawn in the park with trees
Photo by Victor Malyushev on Unsplash

Different grass varieties may suit the different growing regions. The turfgrass may vary in its climate preferences and may also have variations in the extent to which it can tolerate drought.

When you prefer seeds over sod, you may also grow a grass turf that has the specific qualities that you seek in your homegrown green turf. For instance, you may like your grass to have more texture and durability.

Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass and may better suit the warmer and the summer heat climates. Kentucky Bluegrass, on the other hand, is well-suited for the cooler temperatures.

With these variations in place, you should be choosing a lawn grass that better suits the region in which it is grown and may require fewer resources (including water). Some grasses may even require lesser maintenance time.

4. Timing is Important

Timing your grass plantations is also important. Appropriate timing is also important when you are thickening the existing grass of the lawn or want to seed your lawn. For instance, you should be planning seeding and thickening in a way that corresponds with the appropriate seasons for grass growth.

You should also read the tag of the seed that you purchase, as it may have important information for you.

The labels and the tags may reveal to you information including the variety and kind of seed and its name, rate of germination, and the “sell by” date as well. The information may come in handy when you are trying to time be seeding in your lawn.

5. Feeding the Right Nutrients

House and yard with lawn
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Lawn grass and turf will need good nutrition to be green, vibrant, and lush in form. The soil test results that you get from the laboratory will reveal to you the amount of nitrogen you need for your lawn every day. As it is known, nitrogen can be found in organic matter as well as fertilizers.

You may get to know more about the percentage of nitrogen carried by a fertilizer when you go through the label of the product. However, ensure that you maintain the balance and do not overfeed. Overfeeding may itself cause certain damages.

For the lawn, you should avoid shallow and frequent watering as it may cause shallow roots that can easily succumb to stress including draught. For the lawns, deep watering should be carried out at less frequent intervals.

6. Fight the Weeds

It is common for the lawns to have weed seeds and weeds. Weed growth is detrimental for the growth of your main grass plant and variety as it may consume water, nutrients, and light.

Try to learn more about the ways to find out the common weeds of the lawn, and the specific methods and products you can use to kill the specific weeds. Removing the weeds will ensure that you have to incur the least labor towards lawn maintenance and care and do not have to undertake repeated treatments.

You can also engage a professional weed removal service for removing undesired weeds from your lawn.

7. Mowing

Lawn closeup with a house blurred in a background
Photo by Petar Tonchev on Unsplash

Moving should be done based on the growth of the grass, and not the week or day. Different grasses may grow at a different rate and therefore their height and growth may vary.

Grasses including the Bermuda Grass are kept short only. However, some other grass varieties may require more height. You may like to know more about the best practices for mowing as well. For instance, more than one-third of the length of the blade should not be removed at the time of mowing.


The above-given measures will ensure that you get a lush green lawn that has good quality grass growth. Reducing the weeds ensures that the main seeds grow and develop to the fullest.

Proper and regular lawn care also provides for lesser maintenance and efforts, and lesser resources are consumed as well. It ensures that you can keep a lawn and the grass in good shape at a lesser cost.

Bedroom Overhaul Ideas: A Contemporary Approach

Bedroom with framed double bed
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

As one of the famous sayings goes, home is where your heart is. However, the bedroom is where your soul dwells. It is your haven, your sanctuary, and your personal space where you find rest and recovery after a long tiring day. That is why your bedroom must embrace you with warmth and comfort, giving you a sense of relaxation.

Bedrooms with contemporary designs are upscale interiors that include the latest trends. Even though this style is commonly used as an equivalent for modern design, they are two separate and distinct design forms. On the other hand, modern design refers to a specific period in the history of design.

Professional designers increasingly incorporate modern features into contemporary designs as they integrate well with other modern styles. Thus, if you’re seeking to create a peaceful, elegant, and welcoming area in your bedroom, contemporary design is the ideal choice.

Bedroom with framed double bed
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Here are a few of the best approaches to obtain a decorative overhaul through a contemporary appearance in your bedroom, ranging from hotel-like modern settings to bohemian spaces.

Minimal Grout Line

When it comes to large format tiles, its utmost essential design feature is reducing grout area. Due to the tile’s increased coverage, less grout is needed between the tiles, making it easier to obtain a clean and uniform design. It’s almost as though the grout joints had faded into the background.

Incorporating this style into your decor will give your place a more contemporary touch, as it creates the sense of much more space and a wider surface area. Furthermore, the plethora of designs makes it easier to attain contemporary aesthetics, minimalist, and lustrous space.

Neutral Accents

Adding neutral touches to your space will create a sense of tranquility and elegance because of their calming influence. It can range from a light and airy feel to a bolder and daring one. With this, neutral hues allow you to include a variety of patterns and furnishings into a room while maintaining a cohesive look.

There is a lot to ponder when decorating with neutrals. You have to use or choose a neutral color palette when deciding on the color of your preference to generate a variety of visual effects, blending shades and varying tones based on the room’s lighting as it influences the way your eyes perceive color.

Contemporary Art

Bedroom with painted walls, bed, armchair and a painting
Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Art is vital when altering your room, even more so when it has a contemporary touch. Although designing and decorating your room is in itself an art, adding art pieces elevates it to a new level of splendor and refinement.

This includes everything from ceramics and basic sculptural artwork to custom paintings and furnishings that make art an integral part of a contemporary room. Furthermore, displaying a piece of art is sure to create a focal point in your room. Even when the interior of your room is simple, a piece of contemporary art displayed can elevate the space’s overall aesthetic.

Blend Materials

Consistent natural wood pieces or elements in your room can surely give off an elegant, unified appearance. However, it can also feel overly uniform from time to time. Thus, to get a contemporary look, incorporate a wide range of materials, from wood and linen to metal and jute.

Layered Textiles

You may be picturing a clean, frigid atmosphere when you think about contemporary design. However, with proper selection of textures can make the contemporary style of your room lively and with an embrace of warmth and comfort.

Adding graphic art-inspired cushions, fuzzy blankets, or hand woven rugs can give your contemporary room a new dimension. Make use of eye-catching patterns to produce a warm and inviting atmosphere in your room.

Statement Lighting

Bedroom with bed, picture and night stand with light, flowers in vase and books
Used with permission of Casework

Interior design is enhanced by using lighting fixtures, which are both elegant and functional. Lounges and offices are illuminated by lighting fixtures, which also showcase works of art and provide luminance for workspaces. However, contemporary lighting architecture transforms modern interiors by infusing personality into the entire environment.

Subtle lines and angles are used in contemporary lighting to achieve a streamlined look. The style is clean and straightforward, with no extraneous elements or distracting patterns. Although most contemporary lighting is monochrome, there are times when a splash of color is incorporated into the design.

Designs that use the latest technological advancements are a sure hallmark of contemporary lighting. For instance, a basic, unbroken profile can be achieved with LED lights that incorporate LED strips.


The bedroom is where you start your day and where your day ends. Thus, decorating the interiors of your space in a way that shows who you are and how you feel about yourself is a great way to express yourself.

Are you ready to begin the transformation of your room into a contemporary space? You can begin the shift by implementing the following ideas listed above. This will surely help your interiors look sleek, elegant, and aesthetically pleasing.

Thanks to for consulting.

How To Deep Clean Your New Home Before Moving In

Cabinet in the living room and paintings on the wall above
Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

Moving to a new home is an exciting time. A new house offers many possibilities—the uncluttered spaces and bare walls provide a new canvas to create a new living space of your choice. However, a lot goes into turning an empty house into a new home. Deep cleaning is one of the things a new place requires before you move in. 

Although the house may look good, there’ll be dust, grease, and other kinds of dirt that you need to get rid of before settling in your new space. It’s also easier to clean the house to the core when there are no pieces of furniture around. 

If you’re moving to a new home, here are valuable tips to help you deep clean it before moving in: 

1. Start With A Game Plan

Cabinet in the living room and paintings on the wall above
Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

When you want to deep clean your new home before moving in, you need a plan to get the job done more efficiently. Ideally, a deep-cleaning game plan lays out areas that need to be cleaned first and the schedule. 

While you’re free to adjust the schedule to your preference, ensure that the plan highlights the steps to be followed up throughout the cleaning process. Every step should include specific cleaning actions, so you won’t miss anything.

You may clean your new home by yourself or hire a professional cleaner. Because this is the only chance to deep clean it without furniture pieces getting in your way, getting a professional cleaning service provider, like Texas Xtreme Clean, might be a good idea.

2. Clean the Highs, Then The Lows 

Dust doesn’t only settle on countertops and floors. Your home’s overhead lighting fixtures, ceiling fans, shelves, and other areas are prone to grime and dust, too. These are not areas that get cleaned often, so if you leave the dust, cleaning it later would sprinkle the dirt on the surfaces below. 

Start by cleaning high areas or features in every room before working your way down to keep this from happening. Use an old piece of cloth to clean your ceiling fans. Wipe the blades from the center outwards. Most of the dust will collect on the fabric, which you can toss or clean once you’re done. 

3. Give The Kitchen A Thorough Clean

Side view of kitchen with kitchen island and kitchen elements in the background, oven and hanging lights over the island with vase and sunflowers
Used with permission of Timothy Godbold

Your new kitchen will need a deep clean to eliminate odors trapped in it. If your new home comes with a fridge, you need to clean it well before placing any food items in it. Consider washing the back of the refrigerator where dust may have accumulated, causing it to consume more energy. 

Move the appliances to clean any dirt behind them. If the sink in the house is made from stainless steel, use steel wool to scrub it clean, then use a water and lemon juice mixture to give it a shine. 

Your kitchen cabinets will need cleaning as well. Using a soft cloth, wipe the interior and exterior parts of the cabinets to remove dust and other food materials stuck in the corners. 

Remember to clean your kitchen countertops by wiping them with a disinfectant. If your new home has marble countertops, avoid using acidic cleaners on them. Instead, use a marble cleaner to remove dust and any other stains. 

4. Give Your Bathroom A Good Scrub

The bathroom is another vital area to deep clean before moving into your new home. If the toilets, showers, and sinks are stained, you can clean them effectively using baking soda and vinegar. Prepare a mixture of these cleaning agents, apply it to the stains, and leave it there for about an hour to weaken stains before scrubbing them away. 

If you notice grout on the tiles, apply the baking soda-vinegar paste. Leave it for an hour before scrubbing the dirt off. Use a disinfectant, like bleach or vinegar, to wipe the surfaces of your toilet. Deep clean your toilet by leaving vinegar in the water tank overnight to remove grime. 

Likewise, remove the toilet seat and scrub the hinges. Disinfect the doorknobs, towel hangers, and light switches as well. Remember to dust the ceiling vent, too. 

5. Clean The Hallways And Living And Bedroom Spaces 

Designed bedroom with bed with frame
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

Although these spaces are easier to clean, look out for spots that require more attention. Essentially, start by dusting the light fixtures and ceiling fans before moving to the walls and window casings. 

Pay attention to the material used on the walls. If they have glossy paint, you can scrub it to remove stains. If the walls have wallpaper, use a dry cloth to dust them before wiping gently with soapy water. Clean the window casings to remove grime or dust. 

6. Get A Professional To Clean The Floor

Floors can be challenging to deep clean, especially carpeted ones. Take note that floors can also be made of vinyl, slate, or hardwood. Although you can clean them by yourself, getting a professional floor cleaner allows you to give your floor a deep clean to remove accumulated allergens, dust, bacteria, or dirt. 

Either way, ensure that you clean the floors last, so you won’t make them dirty again when cleaning other parts of the house. 

Final Thoughts

Deep cleaning is an essential step to getting your new home ready. You need to plan your deep cleaning tasks well to ensure proper cleaning of all rooms in the house. If you intend to move into a new home soon, apply the six tips discussed here to deep clean your new home.

Thanks to for consulting.

Easy Ways To Transform A Study Room For Home Learning

Kid's room with book shelfs, table, chairs and toys
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Not too long ago, home learning was enforced in a global attempt to manage the spread of the covid19 virus. While schools have since been opening their doors, many parents have noticed the benefits of home learning. And some have even found that their children are thriving more in a home learning environment.

As a result, virtual classrooms have taken off in a way that most of us never anticipated.

But with that said, creating a study area at home for your child remains essential even if they are going back to school; your little one will also need to study at home and complete homework.

So, if you’re searching for ways to optimize this vital space, we’ve listed some easy solutions that can quickly transform a study area and enhance functionality simultaneously.

Kid's room with book shelfs, table, chairs and toys
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Add Enough Storage

If a study room or home office does not have enough storage space available, there’s no doubt that it will quickly become a chaotic and messy place. Because it’s more challenging for anyone to function within mess and disorganization, storage is a crucial element to prioritize.

Clutter and a build-up of mess can harm productivity substantially. Some research even shows that unorganized spaces can bring about feelings of anxiety and stress. Decluttering is an important step when adding storage, as the ideal study room should not be crowded with unnecessary things.

Wooden storage shelves can make a massive difference to the overall organization of any study area. This single effort can quickly transform your child’s study room and boost productivity by enhancing the ability to focus. The space will instantly be substantially more functional.

Change The Color Scheme

The color scheme of a learning area is a lot more vital than you might imagine; color psychology says that specific colors can boost productivity and focus, while others can make learning a lot more challenging. As a result, some colors suitable for the living room are not appropriate for the bedroom.

When changing up the color scheme for a study room, stick to blue, orange, and green palettes, as these are the top color choices for concentration and productivity.

Invest In The Right Desk And Chair

Desk and book shelfs in a home office or children's room
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Poor posture can bring about a list of less than ideal problems, from back and neck pain to headaches, an inability to focus, and more. To promote good posture when studying, you can try things like adjusting the chair and screen level, taking breaks, and others.

However, to best promote good posture while studying, a posture supporting chair and a desk that is spacious enough and at the right height is vital. If the chair and desk are not suitable, keeping a good posture will be pretty tricky.

Adjust The Layout

If the desk in the study area faces a window, the excess light can make it challenging to focus, which is not ideal for vision health either. Furthermore, if the desk placement is wrong, glare from the window will also impact vision health.

So, the study room layout is imperative to making the space as functional as possible. Focus on desk placement first and then find ways to place any other items so that they are easy to access without causing clutter.

Add a few comfort touches to the room, but be sure not to add too much as too much comfort can dampen productivity. The best approach to decorating the space is to keep to the color scheme and keep things minimal.

Remove Distractions

Bed and a wide window in kid's room
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Another vital element that all study areas should emit is peace and calm; it’s not easy to be productive in a distracting environment. For this reason, the study area should be situated in a quiet area of the home.

Removing distractions is sometimes impossible, but you will enhance the environment if you can identify and dampen distractions. You can also consider imaginative approaches to blocking distractions, such as investing in an indoor water wall or a sound machine to recreate calming white noise. There are several approaches to blocking out sounds and distractions. If distractions are a concern, it’s best to investigate all the available options to determine which is most suitable for you.

With online learning and remote working environments climbing in popularity, study rooms and home offices are becoming staples for most families. And once you have created the ideal study environment, you can consider how exercise impacts learning. A healthy, active way of life and a balanced diet are critical factors to encourage further love for learning in your children.

Thanks to all companies linked above.

Technologies for an Advanced Photo Editor

Home office desk
Photo by Grovemade on Unsplash

Among the variety of modern solutions for photo editing and retouching, it is as simple as ABC to get confused. What features have to be included in the application to make it interesting and appealing for the target audience. In the twenty-first century, the art of taking photos is appreciated for its informativeness and the ability to provoke different emotions and actions among the recipients.

Getting a deeper insight in the world of retouching techniques is a highway to self-evolution in the industry — it is one of the quickest and most efficient paths to transform from a common amateur to a creative photography artist. But everything starts with basics, and understanding how features boost up your performance will help enthusiasts work before they run.

Home office desk
Photo by Grovemade on Unsplash

Must-Have Photo Editing Features

When it comes to working with intuitive solutions, people are often overly focused on the advanced functionality only. However, it is highly important to ensure the chosen app satisfies basic requirements and needs:

  • Upload/download an image — it doesn’t matter how varied the frames are or whether there is an opportunity to create a custom collage when you simply don’t have the right access to your artwork. To be truly flexible in your activities, the target software has to include both import and export features. This will let enthusiasts be up in arms whenever they want to alter a profile photo in a social network or share their best shots with others via different communication channels.
  • Efficient editing tools — the number of retouching services is crucial, but the more flawless the operations are, the more valuable they become for users. The list of the top-notch functions includes the opportunity to crop a picture and its separate elements (like changing the background), applying filters, adding extra objects, etc.

Editor’s Choice: Recommendations for Beginners

Office with desk, chairs and plants
Used with permission of Kerry Spears, Nathan Schroeder and Kelli Boyd Photography

Any guide would include tips like searching for an application with a smooth learning curve or the most suitable specifications. The reason for that is obvious — customers frequently don’t have a clear understanding of what they need and how photo editing technologies can help them achieve the planned results. If you don’t want to get distracted by colorful and influential advertisements, stick to the following:

  • Pay attention to the target software specifications. Once you know the app’s architecture, it will be easier to define whether you won’t require additional hardware for its excellent performance.
  • Whether you are an experienced photographer or just a beginner, a professional touch to your images isn’t a dream anymore — retouching technologies are a great way to perfection. It is a good thing to ensure it possesses automatic features, isn’t sluggish sometimes, and is capable of proceeding with a couple of operations simultaneously. If there is no free version or trial of the app you are interested in, check out real customers’ reviews. The reputation is especially hard to maintain in the online medium, and you will be aware of all the awaiting ups and downs.

The Final Verdict

Designed home office with desk, plant and chair
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

What software is the right shot for you? One of the mistakes consumers often make is a dream of finding the only application to work once and forever after. It won’t be damaging for your experience to get acquainted with different tools and then pick up the best solution (or a couple of them) for your particular needs. Anyways, there always should be a balance between the app’s basic and advanced features.

How to Make Your Home Feel Cozy This Winter


When cold weather arrives and the nights get longer, it’s the perfect time to change up your home to be more inviting and cozy. Most likely, you are spending more time indoors, and winter can be a challenging time — seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a real thing that can affect us all. With our suggestions below, you can easily make your home feel cozy without breaking the bank. 


Upgrade Linens

This may seem like a no-brainer; of course, you want to bring out the thicker blankets when the weather changes. But have you thought about upgrading your linens to natural fibers like bamboo, cotton flannel, or fleece for extra comfort and warmth? These will not only feel better on your skin but are also less likely to get damp with the increased humidity in the air. You can change out the duvet cover for something more festive to lift your spirits.

Decorate the Table

The holiday season is a perfect time to go all out with the decorations in your home. This will put everyone in a festive mood but also make your home feel warm and cozy. Maybe you have a favorite runner for the table that is in a rich red velvet fabric, can decorate with an Advent wreath, or get a traditional Christmas pyramid or candle arch to bring light to the room. The last two items are handmade in Erzgebirge, Germany, and come with a wealth of history and tradition. A candle arch or Christmas pyramid leads us to our next tip.

Change the Lighting

Creating softer lighting as the nights get longer and colder is a great way to feel cozy during the winter months. Banish harsh overhead lighting and opt for globe floor lamps with metallic hues or paper lanterns, which set a snuggly vibe perfect for hot chocolate and Netflix. If you can’t invest in new lighting, how about adding some twinkle lights above your sofa? That’s an affordable way to make things cozier. Or change some light bulbs to soft white and warm white or get bulbs with multiple settings or dimmers. Scented candles are also a great way to set the mood, but do take care not to place them near curtains.   

Start Baking

Pumpkin pie on the wooden table

There’s nothing that screams wintertime than a freshly baked pie. Do you prefer sweet or savory? Winter is the perfect time to break out your baking skills and try some new recipes. If you are keeping a close watch on your waistline, consider gifting baked treats to your neighbors and loved ones. You could even make gift baskets with homemade desserts, jam, wine, and other munchies people love.  

Get Some Plants

It’s a well-known fact that plants not only clean the air but also boost your mood. Having greenery and flowers around during the winter will definitely lift your spirits. Many varieties are easy to care for and “unkillable” if you don’t have a green thumb. Spider and snake plants, succulents, and cacti are great choices for novice plant owners. Or maybe you want to take things to the next level and invest in a bonsai tree — caring for one is a meditative hobby. But if all this sounds daunting or you travel too much, consider faux plants. We won’t tell anyone.   

Christmas plant decoration against the white background
Photo by Joe Cavazos on Unsplash

Hopefully, these ideas on how to make your home cozy this winter will lift your spirits and make the colder months a little more bearable. 

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Reasons Why Sicily Is the Ultimate Luxury Destination of the Moment

Modern farmhouse living room
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects

As the big cities of Italy like Rome, Florence and Venice have been the most tourist-attractive sites, Sicily has been doing magic on the low. It has been perfecting its wine, olives, superfood and building the best villas you can ever find. According to recent statistics, the island has become one of the best tourist destinations around Italy. The island has the best and cleanest coastline, rich culture, and historic towns. If you are thinking about your next travel destination, here are several reasons why Sicily will make the perfect destination at the moment.

Modern farmhouse living room
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects

The Luxury Villas

If you think you have been to the best villas and resorts, then you have not been to Sicily. This island hosts the best affordable villas for your comfort. On the south coast, you will have white sand beaches, luxurious accommodation, and a spa. The major reason why many tourists choose this destination is because of its high-quality villas equipped with everything you need for your comfort. Furthermore, most of these villas are located in the charming typical Mediterranean landscape. Make sure you choose the leading holiday home rental agency Select Sicily villas for the luxury you can afford. Furthermore, if you are ready to be spoiled you can live the “Dolce Vita”, between art, food, view, leisure, beaches, outdoor activities.

The Delicacies

The location and history of Sicily have a big influence on their dishes. This island has a unique style of delicacies. Get into one of its best restaurants and enjoy tasty pasta served with different ingredients. If you are a seafood lover, your day is made with the most delicious seafood offered more than 500 miles on the coastline. Enjoy other foods like Pasta alla Norma, arancini, and caponata. For desserts, go for the well-known cannoli granite and Frutta Martorana, the Sicilian’s specialty.

A house with a pool
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Luxurious Beaches

Your holiday will not be complete without getting into the salty water once, and Sicily has your back. If you want to visit the finest beaches in the world, then you must book your next flight ticket to Sicily. Get around Marsala and Trapani for the sandy beaches on the west coast. If you are an adventurous person, the Cavagrande del Cassibile reserve has the best canyon and trails you can enjoy.

The Wine

Italy is best known for its best wine, and you can never complete the name without mentioning Sicily. Remember, the largest part of the Mediterranean islands is the origin of marsala, a famous wine in Sicily and the whole of Italy. Some of the best varieties you will enjoy include Nero d’Avola and Zibibbo. The best blends of the wine originate from the slopes of Mount Etna. So, while at it, make sure you visit the vineyards.

Glasses of wine on the white surface
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Traditions and Rich Culture

Sicily offers a home of cultures from all over the world. With so many people coming here, cultural blending has changed things. The beautiful art and ancient structures, horse-drawn carts, flowers, portraying religious scenes, museums, and festivals are all Sicily put together. Choose any time to visit Sicily to experience the authentic nature.


Sicily’s landscape, architecture, archeological sites, and food are the amazing reasons why you should visit Sicily this year. Pick the right date and get ready to have a lifetime experience.

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