Blog Page 307

Got an artsy style? You’ll love this site

A textile artist tipped me off to this site, which I’m really glad to now have in my bookmarks. The shop is called Envelop and textile designers can upload their designs to provided templates for totes, pillows, aprons, oven gloves, and other cotton products. I’m thinking maybe I could even upload some of my patterns from my days as an illustrator! Anyway, I’ve already found a pillow I’ll be getting for someone in my family – and I’m sure you could find something unique for yourself or an artsy friend.

Here’s just a small sample of the things I like –

The two above are from Portuguese artist Ana Romero. Love the bright colors on that pillow!
See more of Ana’s products here (takes you to her page on the Envelop site)

I love this intricate pen work from Valentino Ramos – what you’re looking at above are place mats and a table runner.

I’m really impressed by the illustrations of Tamara Weiss – the design on this tote was originally for a tattoo!

I like the drawings- especially one on the pillow above, from artist Clinton Jacobs.

Pretty feather pattern – see Alice Rebecca Potter’s shop.

A lovely bird pattern from Thereza Rowe

Gorgeous inspiring images from my favorite blogs

I thought I’d pick up where I left off and continue with installments of “Favorite Images from my Favorite Blogs.” I started this feature because I realized that as a blogger, I rarely had the time to peruse the blogs that inspired me to start blogging, or that I’d discovered while blogging. I hope you enjoy and that it ads a little brightness to your holiday weekend!…

(blogs featured in no particular order)

To begin, images from Pink Wallpaper

…no words…
again, no words…

I really like this chair – which I think is from Anthropologie…but I just don’t know if I’d have the discipline to keep everything else in the room complementary

Next, a newly discovered blog for me- Loftlife Magazine

Liking the touches of glamour pared down with clean lines in this bedroom

Have you ever tried arranging your books by color like on this shelf?

Last but not least, Deco & Design

All these images are so serene…

Hope you enjoyed these and have a great holiday weekend!

Has anysone seen this travel/shopping show?

So I was introduced to this show a while back, but I don’t get the Sundance channel so I’ve never actually seen it. The show is called “Man Shops Globe,” and features Keith Johnson – buyer at large for Anthropologie. The show was described to me as such, “Cameras follow Keith from flea markets in Paris to remote villages in India and obscure art studios in Turkey in his quest for the most unique and unusual decorative objects from around the world.”

It sounded interesting so I went to the site to take a peak. From the video clips I saw it was really nice to see how Keith’s creative mind worked. He could see an inspiring object, it’s potential, and decide what it needed to be just perfect for the stores. I also think this show is good to educate viewers about the arts around the world, and what cultures are responsible for what crafts. I’m including a video clip below, and some pictures I found on the site. From what I’ve seen so far, if I had Sundance I’d probably check out this show!

A video below of shopping in India

Keith in Turkey, picking out some suzanis

Keith with designer Anna Sui in a bazaar in Syria

A mosque in Syria

An indoor market in Syria. Syria looks amazing – might have to put it on my travel list. Has anyone been?

In Casamidy, a contemporary furniture and accessories shop featuring local art. They work in close collaboration with a wide range of skilled and talented artisans based in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

From Cyprus

A studio in Australia

A detail form inside Australian artist Sibella Court’s studio, The Society Inc.

Have you ever seen Man Shops Globe? I’d like to hear what you think!

Amazing worked in and lived in artist lofts

A reader requested a post on artist lofts – live/work spaces way back in October. Shamefully, I’m just getting to that now. There are so many great examples out there that I’m going to have to save some for future posts.

Here are some good examples of real spaces. Even if you don’t have a loft, maybe you can still find some inspiration.

Great dining/kitchen area!

The above is from a loft in Williamsburg, Brooklyn – an artsy neighborhood I lived in for a year back in 2006/2007.
via Willow Decor via Ochs Design

The above is an artist’s loft you can rent for getaways.

Even with the exposed brick wall and factory-style windows, homey elements like the houseplants, pictures, and rug make the space more than liveable.

I’m not a fan of cowhide rugs or of bull fighting, but this bedroom is a good example of how loft dwellers can make an industrial space cozier- notice the room divider on the left

This is the area of the loft carved out to be office space.

The loft above is actually for sale in Pawtucket, RI.
via OLX

love the windows!

via Apartment Therapy via New York Magazine

The studio/work area of this tribeca loft

via NY Locations

I really like the look of lofts but I don’t know if I’d be happy living in one as I tend to like small, cozy spaces and being able to shut myself in a room alone. How about you have you lived in a loft, did you like it? If not, do you think you’d like loft living?

Country chic inspiration and DIY ideas

Now that I’m back at my parents’ farm after my travels, and surrounded by all things rustic and country, I thought I’d dig through my picture folders and share some country interiors

Like the ceramic collection. The metal light fixtures keep this kitchen from being too kitschy country.
via House Beautiful

The three images below are all of Tony Shalhoub’s house. I like how down to earth it is.

Such a relaxing bedroom

What do you think of the photos displayed on the sides of the stairs?
via Country Living

These are two cute ideas – take the back of an old chair and turn it into a towel rack, or take a ladder and turn it into shelves. What do you think?

via BHG

A charming country home with style north of Copenhagen

One place we didn’t visit on my travels, but is still very much on my travel wish list, is Copenhagen. I’m sure the architecture and shops would be right up my alley. Has anyone been to Copenhagen? What did you think?

The natural light in this home is great – also the architectural details like the radiator cover and top window pane.

I’m a sucker for detail shots 🙂

The look of all those books in the bedroom is really nice – but I’d be afraid I’d stay up too late each night reading.

This little spot in the yard is wonderfully wabi sabi no?

What do you think of this home? Close to your style?
via Indenfor and Udenfor

A great new designer discount site from Daily Candy! I have your free membership code!

We all love Daily Candy for their great beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips. Now they’ve come out with “Swirl,” which is a site featuring sample sales from various designers. It’s still in Beta but I thought I’d spread the word so you have one more way to snag your fave designer goodies for less. I’ve set up this referral link so you guys can sign up quickly and start being notified of future sales -or just start shopping now 🙂

Here’s the link. Click on it or copy and paste it into your browser’s url field.

Here’s a little peak at some of the stuff that’s on sale right now –

Isn’t this the prettiest bag? (Bags are from the Carla Mancini sale)

…from the Victorialand sale

…from the Lucky Brand Lounge sale…

Interested? Here’s that link again (membership is free)
You’ll just need to enter the email address to which you’d like sale notifications sent, a password, and your zip code!

I’m back from Europe – with a book giveaway!!

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be able to post on a regular basis again! The trip was absolutely amazing and I promise to share pictures of my boyfriend and my 9 week journey – but first I have to do some photo organizing. I thought I’d welcome everyone back with a book giveaway, Mark Montano’s “Big-Ass Book of Home Decor.” You can see samples of the book in my review post from May. To enter the giveaway just leave a comment telling me your favorite place (city, country, etc.) you’ve ever traveled, and why if you wish. Or you can email me your favorite place. The giveaway will be closed next Tuesday at 12am EST. Good luck!

And now, to warm up a bit – I thought I’d just publish some good old Decorology-style eye-candy. It’s great to be back!

via Apartment Therapy

What do you think of the open backs of these upholstered dining chairs

I like the “living” room feel of this bathroom.
via House Beautiful
Love the pink flowers and eucalyptus on the window sill
via NiKreationS

via Chico Deco

via House to Home

Hello from Berlin! More pictures from my Europe trip

The pictures below are from the beautiful Picos de Europa, in Spain. My favorite part was probably getting to take in the beautiful views alongside the cows that graze the mountain tops.

The traffic jams were caused by livestock

One of the most amazing parts of being on this mountain top valley was the chorus of cowbells you could hear all around you. The sheperd´s huts were really amazing as well!

Me just enjoying the view alongside a friendly local

Hello from Salzburg, Austria – more pictures from the beginning of my trip!

I am having an amazing time traveling around Europe. We have been to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. So far Germany has been my favorite because the houses are simply charming and the gardens are so beautiful. I will post pictures in due time, but first here are more of the beautiful Galicia, in Spain, where we spent our first week.

More from the amazing Cies Islands – famous for the gorgeous beaches and as a nature preserve.

Approaching one of the beaches via ferry.

This was my favorite view from a cliff on the back of the island.

Pontevedra was my favorite city in Spain this trip.

While driving back to our hotel we stumbled across this beautiful little vineyard with horses, sheep, and goats grazing.

Two beautiful, hidden beaches in Galicia

Santiago de Compestelo