Got an artsy style? You’ll love this site

A textile artist tipped me off to this site, which I’m really glad to now have in my bookmarks. The shop is called Envelop and textile designers can upload their designs to provided templates for totes, pillows, aprons, oven gloves, and other cotton products. I’m thinking maybe I could even upload some of my patterns from my days as an illustrator! Anyway, I’ve already found a pillow I’ll be getting for someone in my family – and I’m sure you could find something unique for yourself or an artsy friend.

Here’s just a small sample of the things I like –

The two above are from Portuguese artist Ana Romero. Love the bright colors on that pillow!
See more of Ana’s products here (takes you to her page on the Envelop site)

I love this intricate pen work from Valentino Ramos – what you’re looking at above are place mats and a table runner.

I’m really impressed by the illustrations of Tamara Weiss – the design on this tote was originally for a tattoo!

I like the drawings- especially one on the pillow above, from artist Clinton Jacobs.

Pretty feather pattern – see Alice Rebecca Potter’s shop.

A lovely bird pattern from Thereza Rowe



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