Tips to Prepare Your Home For Winter

All of us know that winter can be terrible weather. Especially if you haven’t prepared your home for this season, it will be hard to withstand the extreme cold temperatures. Here, we will sift you through a few tips to keep your home cozy:

Prepare Your Pipes

Living room with dining table and dark wooden chairs around it
Used with permission of Meg Lonergan

Before winter arrives, thunderstorms are prevalent, and they can easily cause the clogging of large pieces of debris in the water pipes. Therefore, we recommend you insulate the water tanks and protect the water pipes from freezing. Even if the least that you could do is to wrap a towel around the pipes, it will be worth your time. Make sure to get the boiler serviced before time because it will prevent any leaking or freezing. Make sure to turn on the heating on a low setting to see the results. Visit this website to find the best boiler insurance cover right now.

Winterise The Home

Ensure smooth functioning of the heating system. Make sure to get the chimney cleaned before it becomes a major risk for you. Secondly, don’t forget to see if there are any leaks in the roof. On the contrary, if the leaks are overlooked, they will eventually give birth to larger problems in the future. Secondly, the leaks can also percolate the water in the foundation of the home. So make sure to inspect your home for loopholes and see how you can fulfill them. Get the gutters cleaned and trim the major tree branches.

Always Have Food and Water Supply Around

Bedroom with king size bed and two windows on each side with gray curtains
Used with permission of Meg Lonergan

In case the power goes out, you’ll have to get a maximum supply of water and food around. Always have three days worth of fresh supply of water and food, so you can rest assured about not having to leave the house in extreme weather conditions. have non-perishable foods that will last for a long time. For instance, if the weather forecast has already alarmed you about an impending snowstorm or a major issue in the future, you must immediately manage the food and water supply. No wonder having enough food and water supply around will only protect you away from a sudden scarcity of food and water.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

It is comforting enough to know when you have a backup in place. Especially when you cant go out of the house, an emergency kit is all that you need. Make sure to have enough supply of medications in case you can’t make it to the pharmacy or any other health facility. An emergency kit is inclusive of plastic sheeting, duct tape, and basic tools. Furthermore, don’t forget to carry a power bank by your side, in case you are skeptical about losing the phone charging. Don’t forget to have a first aid kit around if you go through a sudden emergency at home.

Clear The FootPath

Living room with gray walls, white sofa and colorful picture
Used with permission of Meg Lonergan

If you’re skeptical about having a snowy footpath, you need to clear it from any large pieces of debris right now. After all, shovering is a tough cookie, so you must ensure about being in health condition. Never use boiling water because it can cause more damage to the pavement. This might cause the re-freezing of everything and the formation of black ice. You can also use sale or grit on the area that needs to be maintained. When the winter season is on the ball, it becomes imperative to clear the footpath.

Check the Heating and Cooling System

Ensure smooth functioning of the heating and cooling system because you’ll eventually need it during winter. Especially when one decides to take a bath, having hot water around is a big relief. Therefore, inspecting the heating system before it starts to snow.

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