Going Green: Interior Design Trends for a More Eco-Friendly Living Space

You’ve probably heard the phrase “going green” and “eco-friendly” used pretty frequently in this day and age, especially with the world becoming more aware of the state of the environment. With this heightened awareness, people all over the world are making great efforts to do their part in making ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyle changes to help protect the environment and make it a better place.

Residents in Texas are researching and comparing TX electric suppliers just to eliminate the use of fossil fuels to power their homes; even businesses have started implementing “greener” practices for the betterment of the environment. So, the aspect of “going green” isn’t just for “tree-hugging” individuals… it’s a movement for the greater good of the world.

There’s no act too big or too small that you can do to do your part in reducing your carbon footprint, and it’s also not something you have to jump right into overnight. To truly “go green,” is a lifestyle change and it shouldn’t be approached in a “go big or go home” manner; that can be discouraging to some.

In fact, if you want to do your part in helping the environment, you need to take baby steps, and the best way to start is to start at home. Did you know that the interior design industry has a whole eco-friendly and sustainability sector? Many people don’t know that. In fact, there are interior design styles and trends specifically designed for creating an eco-friendly living space.

If you want to embark on an eco-friendly journey, the best place to start is at home with the interior design of your home. Why? Because once you can get comfortable with and adjusted to green practices at home, you’ll be more comfortable to apply those practices outside your home and in much bigger ways.

But before we get into the actual ways to incorporate eco-friendly interior design trends in your home, let’s first get to the basics and foundation of eco-friendly interior design.

used with permission from Marianne Simon Design

What Exactly is Eco-Friendly or “Green” Interior Design?

Many people don’t know this but eco-friendly interior design has a focus centered around the improvement of indoor air quality. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and if clean practices aren’t implemented, there’s a much higher risk of pollutants being trapped inside your home and you breathing in those harmful pollutants. In fact, your risk is two to five times higher than outdoor concentrations of pollutants.

used with permission from Marianne Simon Design

Eco-friendly interior design also focuses on reducing the impact of furniture and household purchases on the environment. So, buying locally is a must.

If you’re ready to start your eco-friendly journey, remember to start it at home with the interior design of your home. To get you off to the right start, here are some helpful tips to “green up” your home’s interiors.

Eco-Friendly Interior Design Trends to Follow

Let the Sunlight In

By letting as much sunlight in your home as possible, you’re reducing your need to turn on lights as well as turn on the heat, as the sun will naturally brighten and warm your home. Also, the sun completely transforms the look of any room in your home.

Now, if a particular room needed curtains, consider curtains that are made from natural materials like silk. If curtains aren’t your preference, consider blinds made from natural materials like bamboo… That will add a bit of biophilic design to your home as well.

used with permission from Marianne Simon Design

Bring in the Greenery

Speaking of biophilic design, adding plants to your home is a wonderful way to make your living space more eco-friendly. Not only do plants liven and brighten any room in your home but plants improve the air quality of your home as well.

Incorporate Minimalism

The theory behind “less is more” stands strong in eco-friendly design. It’s one thing to go for a “clean” look of your home but to achieve that look doesn’t require unnecessary details. “Knick-knacks” and “tchotchkes” are what most people call “dust collectors” and don’t actually serve a purpose other than to be looked at.

That’s not saying you can’t incorporate your personality in your interior design, because you have to like where you live, but it’s also important to note that to improve the air quality of your home, there are ways to decorate and show your personal style without accumulating unnecessary junk. Thanks to Power Setter for consulting.



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