A Condo in the Philippines: A True Bargain

Condos are designed to address the intricacies of modern-day living. We see more and more condos rising in urban centers, and now even in provincial areas. Sadly though, condos still carry a myth of being expensive. In reality, condos can actually become an affordable housing option, especially if you take into consideration all the...

How 3d exterior visualization services can help you to plan your party

Wedding party
The global events industry is recovering after the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. According to Allied Market Research, the industry size was valued at $1,100 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $552.9 billion by 2018. Event industry trends are marked by the increasing use of event technology. One such technology impacting the...

Key Aspects to Bear in Mind before Buying Folding Sun Lounger

House pool and yard
When looking for incredible ways to improve your garden, a lot of options will come to mind. A sun lounger is one of the valuable fixtures to add to your garden. It will improve the look of your home and provide a perfect relaxation space.  Sun loungers are designed to satisfy all comforts. However,...

Here’s Why DIY Gutter Installation Might Be Risky

Kitchen with kitchen island and shelfs
In this day and age, DIY projects are pretty popular amongst regular homeowners and for good reason too – sometimes we want to save money and decide to do something ourselves or we may think that we have the necessary skills to be able to get the job done. Used with permission of...

Roof Maintenance is Often Overlooked—Here’s Why It Shouldn’t Be

Modern farmhouse
Cleaning your house regularly is a must-do for all homeowners. From the bathroom to the kitchen, bedrooms, living room and the garden, everything must be squeaky clean. But if there’s one part of the house that often gets forgotten in the general cleaning list, it’s the roof. If you’re the type of homeowner who...

Timeless Flooring Designs Back on Trend

Living room with sofa, coffee table and lamps
Staying across the latest design trends can be a time consuming and costly activity that many homeowners can have a love-hate relationship with. It may be quite simple to update your soft furnishings and find new accessories to bring a new lease of life to your home, but changing up your flooring is going to eat into...

Deep Cleaning and Why It’s So Important

Living room with sofa and coffee table
What is deep cleaning and why is it important for your house? In this article, we’ll talk about the importance of deep cleaning and how you can benefit from it. Read on! What is Deep Cleaning? Used with permission of Kira David Design Deep cleaning involves cleaning...

5 Ways To Transform Your Living Room With Luxury Furniture

The living room is one of the most important rooms in many houses since it plays a significant role in the family and social life. It makes sense to splurge on luxury living room furniture for various reasons. Luxury furniture is made with legacy in mind, and the materials used are carefully selected to guarantee design and...

How To Design An Elegant Bedroom Using Classic Italy Furniture

Bright designed bedroom with king size bed
The design of your bedroom is a personal decision, and the walls, colors, furniture, and other decorative elements can be customized to suit your preferences. Regardless of whether or not you choose traditional furniture from Italy or create a unique piece for your space, you still need to maintain some basic design rules that help balance out...

3 Great Room Upgrades to Consider for Any Home

living room with chairs, TV and coffee table
Your home is your castle, and you want to take care of it as best you can. But maintenance and actual improvement are two different things, and after getting used to how their house currently is, many homeowners forget to dream about how they might upgrade their homes for the better. Here are three great room upgrades...