Timeless Flooring Designs Back on Trend


Staying across the latest design trends can be a time consuming and costly activity that many homeowners can have a love-hate relationship with. It may be quite simple to update your soft furnishings and find new accessories to bring a new lease of life to your home, but changing up your flooring is going to eat into your interior design budget significantly. This is why you should be looking at the most timeless flooring designs so that your new floor won’t feel outdated in two short years.

Living room with sofa, coffee table and lamps
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

There are a number of flooring types that could be considered fashionable and trendy, simply because they make a real statement, but are they here to stay for the long haul? It’s safe to say there are a number of tried and true flooring designs that will always stand the test of time. Of course, choosing flooring for your home is down to personal preference, but opting for a timeless classic may benefit you and your home in the long run.

Laminate Flooring

One of the most stylish and long-lasting flooring trends that will probably be here to stay forever is laminate flooring. As well as being a practical option, it’s also extremely friendly when it comes to budget and installing the flooring. With a whole host of colours and styles to choose from, it is the most versatile type of flooring you will ever come across. Usually, a high quality image of wood is printed on the laminate, which creates an extremely realistic wooden effect. This is the perfect choice if you’re looking for an easy to clean surface that is both scratch and water resistant.

Herringbone Flooring

It’s a modern yet timeless trend that has recently come to the forefront of peoples’ mind with regards to flooring in the home. It’s clear that Herringbone style flooring is an elegant and stylish pattern that has stood the test of time for a number of centuries. In fact, this type of flooring pattern goes all the way back to Greece and Rome when it was utilised to showcase wealth and status. A herringbone design comprises traditional planks with rectangular pieces that are cut and laid in a zig-zag type pattern which ultimately creates an extremely stylish effect.

Parquet Flooring

Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

If you’re looking for yet another timeless design for your home, then parquet flooring may be the way forward for your household. With a whole host of different patterns, shades and textures, this is a style to keep an eye on in the year 2022 and beyond.

Hard Flooring

Hardwood flooring has been circulating for centuries and still holds its place strongly in the modern day. This is probably one of the biggest no-brainers when it comes to choosing timeless flooring. It’s no secret that wood is never going to go out of style, so you will never feel restricted in what you do or alter elsewhere in your home. Arguably, hardwood flooring can work in any room in your home too, so you aren’t stuck with only one or two spaces in which wood flooring will work.

Carpet and Rugs

Used with permission of Blackband Design

When it comes to choosing the colours of your carpets, it’s important to opt for tones that aren’t going to go out of style anytime soon. Timeless carpet colours such as grey, brown and cream are winning options for those looking to create an effortless interior design style in their home. Think about your distant relative’s carpet that hasn’t been updated since the 1970’s; it’s highly likely that you’re thinking about a garish brightly coloured pattern or uncommon texture that you wouldn’t be able to find in the shops today.

If you’re due to upgrade your carpets, it may be worth opting for solid, neutral colours that will match with almost anything. Over time patterns and varying gradients could clash with your changing wall art, decor and furniture, so it’s best to choose a colour that doesn’t have a huge aesthetic impact on a room.

As you can see, there are so many timeless flooring design options that will always work their way back into interior design trends. If you’re looking into new flooring options, then it’s worth considering some of the ideas above, so that you can have peace of mind that your flooring will stand the test of time.

Thanks to floorsdirectltd.co.uk for consulting.


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