Blog Page 38

Don’t Let Your Roof Repairs Spiral Out Of Control!

House and Cottage
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

Before you spend money on a roofing professional, consider if you can diagnose and fix your
roof issue on your own. The greatest and most cost-effective approach to ensure a trouble-
free roof is to examine it regularly so that you can see any problems early on.

House and Cottage
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

Water may have dripped into your spare room by the time you realise it. This indicates that
the whole roof structure has been drenched, and the ceiling will need to be rebuilt.
A leak from a single loosened tile is inconvenient, but it will go undiscovered if you do not
regularly examine your roof.

Common Roof Problems

After a windstorm, inspect your roof since most roofing is not intended to resist high winds.
Look for cracks, splits, and torn-off edges in the tiles and lifting. Roof leaks are often caused
by lifting, which is a simple fix. Multiple tiles lifting might indicate that the roofing material is
too old and is warping due to the weather.

Climb into your attic or loft and double-check that any insulation in your roof isn’t right up
against the roof itself. There must be a space for air to flow; when a roof warms up, and
there is insulation right behind it, the heat is reflected into the roofing, causing damage and

Roof Flashing

The flashing is another flaw in all roofs. Flashing provides a watertight seal between the roof
materials and the structure, which is particularly important if the roof extends out or changes
shape (as with extension roofs). It’s important getting the flashing inspected if you’re
constructing a new roof.

If you are not comfortable with inspecting your roof, you can get a professional to do the
work. Pros like A. Brooks Construction Kanga Roof will hop to getting your new roof installed
if there are any major damages.


Roofs must have enough runoff, particularly in places where snow may fall. The mere fact
that the gutters, which lead to the roof’s down pipes, are clogged with leaves and twigs may
be an issue.

Water caught in the gutter will back up a few inches on the roof, giving it time to soak into the
margins of the roofing tiles. Although this is an excellent feature to ask for on a new roof, not
all houses have appropriate perimeter protection on their roofs.

If you can locate the problem area, an emergency repair may be built using roofing felt and
plastic cement to keep it in place until hiring a professional. If it’s simply a broken shingle,
you may try to fix it yourself.

When Should You Get Your Roof Inspected?

Modern farmhouse
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects Interior Designer: Tru Studio Photographer: Manolo Langis

A roof check should be done twice a year. A roof check in the spring or early summer is a
good idea to ensure it hasn’t been damaged by winter storms, snow, ice, or hail. Consider
storm-proofing your roof and learn how to prepare your home for the harsh cold before
winter arrives.

In the autumn, inspect the roof for damage caused by summer thunderstorms, fallen tree
branches, and other risks.

Thanks to for consulting on this post.

How To Protect Your Home From Termites

Living room with armchairs, sofa, coffee table and TV
Used with permission of Blackband Design

Warm and humid areas of the world that are full of lush vegetation and lots of wood are the breeding grounds for termites. These little critters may not look like much, but they can destroy all the wood in your house in a very short time. The biggest problem with these pests is that you will not even know that you have them until it is too late. That is why it is vital to be diligent with your preventative measures. Check periodically to ensure that a nest of them has not set foot into your home.

Living room with armchairs, sofa, coffee table and TV
Used with permission of Blackband Design

The best way to prevent termites from targeting your home is to be proactive rather than reactive. That means that you should take every precaution to prevent them from nesting anywhere near you. Let’s take a look at some of the most proven ways to protect your home from termites and the damage that they can cause.

  • Access Points – Your first step will be to remove all the access points that termites like to use to gain access. You may not realize it, but it only takes a crack or hole that is 1/32 of an inch for a termite to gain access. That is not much of a gap, so you need to check all your windows and doors to ensure no space. You will also need to seal off any vents or pipes that you may have that are open to the outside. Fill in any gaps that you see in your concrete foundation, paint the house to seal any cracks in the wood, and use bug screens that are small enough to deny the little pests entrance to your home.
  • Reduce Moisture – Moisture around your home can be easy to overlook because the weather does as it pleases. Still, you need to notice any issues you have with water. Termites cause over $1 billion in property damage, so they are not something to mess with. You will want to rent, or buy, a laser level and make sure that the grade of the land from your foundation is sloping down, away from your home. Make sure that all your gutters are installed and working correctly. Have a drainage system, such as rocks and PVC pipes, to remove excess water and ensure that your sprinklers are not watering the house.
Bedroom with big windows and balcony beside the bed
Used with permission of Kara Miller Interiors and Brantley Photography
  • Eliminate Food Sources – Termites love to chew on old rotten wood. Hopefully, your house is not rotting, but you need to get it fixed if it is. Replace the area that you are having problems with. Keep all the wood primered and painted to help protect them and remove any rotten stumps in the yard. This is an attractant to termites that they simply cannot resist.
  • Remove Dirt To Wood Contact – One of the most critical steps your builder should take is to make sure that the ground around the foundation is set up to drain excess water, as explained above. The dirt should never be over the top of the foundation. If you have soil touching any wood on your house, you need to dig it out and slope the ground down and away.
  • Install Bait Stations – If you live in an area famous for termite infestations, you will want to put some bait stations around your home. These will attract pests and distract them from going into the wood around your home. Bait stations offer a great way to target termites with the least amount of insecticides possible.
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Brandon Architects and photographer Darlene Halaby

Termites are nasty pests that can cause all kinds of damage to your home if they are not dealt with before they form a huge nest. It is always a good idea to be proactive rather than reactive. Once they have taken hold of your home, it is much harder to remove them. Take steps to prevent termites from making your home into theirs.

Thanks to for consulting.

What To Do When Your Central Air Conditioning Compressor Stops Working

Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Brandon Architects and photographer Darlene Halaby

Your air conditioner may not look overly complex but there are several different systems working inside it to produce the ice-cold air you need. One of the best ways of extending the life of your AC unit is to look after it. Of course, that doesn’t mean it will never fail, but it’s less likely and almost certain that your unit will last for years longer than one that hasn’t been looked after. 

Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Brandon Architects and photographer Darlene Halaby

Naturally, when your central air conditioning compressor stops working will be when you need it the most. That’s why it’s a good idea to have it serviced in the winter and know the most common reasons it has stopped working.

Understanding The Function Of The Compressor

Your air conditioner is full of fluid, known as refrigerant. This fluid is capable of removing the warmth from the air around it. The higher the pressure of this refrigerant, the more efficient it is in drawing warm air from the surrounding air.

One fan pushes the now cold air into the house while the other pushes air past the hot refrigerant, allowing the heat to leave the house.

The compressor is critical to this process as it compresses the refrigerant, this increases the pressure of the liquid, turning it into a hot gas which is most efficient at removing heat from the air.

Naturally, if the compressor stops working, the heat can’t be removed and the air conditioner won’t offer the cold air you need.

There are several things that can be wrong with your compressor. Although it is worth taking a look, you should also contact the specialist in industrial air conditioning to ensure your unit is inspected and repaired if possible.

Don’t forget that refrigerant leaks will affect the ability of the unit to function. You should inspect it regularly to ensure there are n leaks and, if there is, get the professionals to fix the leak and refill the refrigerant, if possible.

Dirty Filters

Window with flowers and statues
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

This is one of the easiest fixes. When the filters in your AC unit aren’t cleaned or replaced regularly, there will be a build-up of debris. This will reduce the ability of air to flow through the machine, lowering the amount of cold air created.

Unfortunately, this lack of airflow will also place a strain on the compressor and it is likely to overheat. In most cases the unit will shut down, allowing it to cool while you clean the filters. In some cases, the compressor will simply stop working altogether.

In short, keep the filters clean to avoid this issue in the first place.

Starter Relay & Associated Capacitors

Air conditioners have an array of electronics inside them, including capacitors that are designed to accept power from the main supply and transfer it to the compressor, as well as the fans for blowing cold air in and hot air out.

The capacitors develop the power needed but you need to have a starter relay between them and the various parts to ensure they start properly. If these components fail then the air conditioner will no longer work. This is generally the issue when the compressor isn’t doing anything but the unit is humming.

The good news is that these parts can be easily replaced by a professional.

Power Issues

Bedroom with double bed, nightstand and a lamp on it
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

If the compressor isn’t working but the rest of the unit seems to be fine, then you may have an electrical issue. You’ll need to trace the wires to locate the ones that aren’t delivering power In many cases this is simply a blown fuse or a loose connection.

If the entire unit is failing to do anything then the power issue is probably with your circuit breaker.

The Compressor Has Died

The compressor can cope with a lot. But, if left to overheat it can be finished for good. Equally, a capacitor going down or some other electrical fault shorts the compressor, it is likely to be damaged beyond repair.

You’ll then be left with two options, replace the compressor or replace the entire unit. The decision regarding which is the better option will depend on the budget you have available and how often the unit is breaking down. The older and more fragile the unit is the more likely it is you’ll have more issues. In this instance, it’s generally better to replace the unit rather than to keep fixing it.

Don’t forget, the best way to reduce the likelihood of these problems arising is to have regular maintenance done by someone that knows what they are doing.

Thanks to all the companies linked above.

Important Things Seniors Should Know When Buying a New Home

Exterior of the small, white house and garden in front of the house
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

It may seem odd to some people that seniors should be buying a new home at this stage of their lives, but there are many good reasons for doing so. Perhaps they want to downsize since all those extra bedrooms and living space won’t be required anymore. The kids have long flown the coop and have families of their own now. Even when they visit, they rarely spend more than a night or two.

Exterior of the small, white house and garden in front of the house
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

A single guest room plus the master bedroom would be sufficient and require a whole lot less care as well. Also, it may be a seller’s market, and no better time to get the most considerable ROI on their home of many years. But, please make no mistake about it. Your home is probably the most significant investment you’ll ever make, and so that Return on Investment everyone talks about is now going to give you a bit of cushion for your golden years. So, with that in mind, and as you begin looking around for a suitable new home, here are some essential things to keep in the back of your mind.

How Will You Pay?

You have a couple of choices here. You can either use the money from the sale of your current home to pay for the new home outright, or you can get a mortgage loan on your new home. If you can afford to pay for your new, smaller home in total, that would typically be the best option because you will not be paying what amounts to interest only in those first few years after closing. One thing to be aware of is that even though you may not be required to purchase a good homeowners insurance policy if you don’t have a mortgage, homeowners insurance will protect your investment, so it is an absolute must.

If You Are Relocating at a Distance

Hall with staircase and a desk with decorations
Used with permission of Blackband Design

How far from your current location do you plan to relocate to? Are your grown children living in the area, or are you joining other snowbirds and moving your residence to the Sunshine State? If you will be going any great distance, it is probably better to hire movers than to rent U-Haul trucks to be driven by a family member. A full-service moving company can help you pack up the house, load the truck, and then unload and unpack at your new destination.

Senior Amenities in the Area

Living room with red wall, blue armchairs and a firework
Used with permission of Massucco Warner

If you are not looking for a home with a specific location in mind, then you will want to check out senior amenities in the area. Sometimes, you buy a new home to be nearer to your adult children and grandchildren. In this situation, senior amenities and activities will pale compared to being close to your family.

There is much to consider, but don’t feel you are locked into a home because you own it free and clear. If you want or need to move, then that is perfectly okay! Whether you are 39 like Jack Benny always was or 79 like your ‘older’ brother really is, you have every right to choose where you want to live. Do you want a new home? Go for it! You deserve it.

Thanks to for consulting.

Top Techniques To Reduce Slipperiness In Concrete Floors

Margaret of York living room
Used with permission of Margaret of York

Concrete is a popular choice for flooring, foundations, and a host of other applications. It’s not a new product; the Romans used a lot of concrete in their many construction projects. In most cases, concrete offers a non-slip finish which is both practical and durable.

However, if you want the smoothest possible finish then the best option is polished concrete. Unfortunately, while this is a practical and good-looking choice, it is also a slippery one when wet. That means it poses an accident risk. You need to take steps to reduce this slipperiness and protect those walking on the floor.

Margaret of York living room
Used with permission of Margaret of York

Fortunately, there are several options worth considering.

Add An Epoxy Coating

Potentially the best option is to get a specialist in epoxy floor coatings to administer a layer of epoxy on top of the concrete flooring. This is a good way of laying epoxy and you get the benefit of a very durable floor. Epoxy is waterproof, stain-resistant, and durable. You can drop heavy items onto it without damaging this type of flooring.

It can be added to existing concrete and is available in a wide range of colours, allowing you to create your preferred look almost effortlessly.

Best of all, epoxy flooring has a non-slip component, making it one of the safest options currently on the market.

Add Rock Salt

Living room with wide windows and porch
Used with permission of Alice Lane

Rock salt is only an option if you’re about to lay the concrete, it doesn’t help much if you put it on concrete that has already set. But, if you sprinkle the rock salty over a freshly poured concrete surface and smooth it out, the finish will have considerably more grip. Interestingly, the salt actually washes away once the concrete has finished setting.

This gives minuscule dips in the concrete which aid grip without detracting from the overall look of the concrete.

Textured Surface

Another, perhaps obvious, way of creating grip on a concrete floor is to texture the surface. This is only possible when you are laying the floor. The best way to do this is to lay the concrete floor as you usually would and then ‘broom’ the surface.

Brooming is the process of running a broom across the floor before it sets. You can purchase dedicated concrete brooms or use a standard broom as long as it has hard bristles.

It’s worth noting that brooming should be done in the same direction as any slope the concrete has. This will help to ensure it drains properly. It can also give it a nice-looking finish.

Anti-Slip Coating

Once your concrete is laid the best option is an epoxy coating. But, if this isn’t the route you want to take it is possible to add a non-slip sealer.

This is painted onto the concrete floor and seals it, helping it to be waterproof and stain-resistant. At the same time, the sealant makes the concrete floor anti-slip.

However, it should be noted that some anti-slip coatings change the look and feel of the concrete, while others don’t. Choose wisely.

If you don’t want to change the appearance of your concrete floor you may be best choosing a water repellent sealer. This helps to keep the water out and dramatically reduces the slipperiness of the surface, while protecting it from a variety of weather conditions, including snow and frost.


Hall with armchair and cabinet
Used with permission of Jenny Keenan

Adding sand to the top layer of the concrete or between two layers of a sealant can help to ensure your concrete floor isn’t slippery in the wet. The best product to use is silica sand.

It’s worth noting that this will change the look and feel of your concrete floor. It will feel slightly grittier and you may notice a slight cloudiness on the finish.


You can add muriatic acid to concrete after it has set and it will effectively eat the top layer. This exposes the roughness of the aggregates underneath, improving grip without damaging strength. But, it will make the surface feel rougher.

Adding Grip Stickers

Regardless of whether the concrete is inside or outside you can purchase grip stickers and position them on your floor. The idea is to position the grip stickers where you normally walk. Putting part of your shoe on the grip sticker will help to prevent your foot from slipping when walking across your concrete.

The technique you choose to stop your concrete floor from being slippery will depend on your budget and the finish you have versus the one you would like. All the above options will work and reduce the likelihood of you having an accident. You simply need to choose the one that suits your concrete floor best.

Thanks to all the companies linked above.

Everything You Need To Know About Sewer Line Repair And Replacement

Bathroom with designed bath tub, mirror and sink
Used with permission of Melanie Gowen

Your sewer line runs from all your appliances across your property and into the main sewer. From here, waste is carried away to the treatment plant where it is processed, cleaned, and sent back to your homes. What most people don’t appreciate is that the responsibility for maintaining and repairing the sewer line is yours.

The sewer pipe that runs under your yard is your responsibility, the water board only take over when the pipe connects to the main sewer pipe under the road. 

Bathroom with designed bath tub, mirror and sink
Used with permission of Melanie Gowen

That’s why you need to know about sewer line repair and replacement.

Invest In A Camera

The first thing you should do is invest in a good quality pipe inspection camera. These are small cameras attached to a cable and usually on wheels. They can be slid inside a waste pipe and will send live feedback to you, allowing you to watch the camera’s progress. The aim is to locate any issues in the pipes, such as damage or blockages.

By investing in a camera today you can pre-empt issues in your sewer pipes. Simply inspect them regularly for signs of clogs starting or any damage. Of course, if you experience an issue with the pipes then you can use the camera to locate the issue.

It should be noted the camera is not a tool for clearing a blockage, it simply helps you locate the issue and verify it has gone.

Repairing A Sewer Line

Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Brandon Architects and photographer Darlene Halaby

A repair is the cheapest and simplest way of dealing with sewer line issues. There are actually two options available o you, depending on the level of damage to your sewer pipes.

1. Add A Lining

Once you’ve run your camera through and found out the pipe has minor damage, such as cracking, you’ll be pleased to learn that it’s possible to repair it without digging it up.

This is usually a job done by the professionals. An inflatable liner is fed into the sewer pipe and pushed along until it reaches the designated area. The liner is then inflated. This pushes the epoxy backing against the walls of your sewer pipe.

The epoxy bonds and effectively replaces the inside of your pipe for you. This type of repair can last for years.

2. Specialist Bursting Technique

If the sewer pipe damage is more serious then you may need to have bursting done. This is where a special machine is used. It is put inside your pipes and drills its way through the damaged section. This destroys the existing pipe. The tool pulls a new pipe behind it, allowing the destroyed pipe to be replaced almost effortlessly.

This is something that needs to be done by the professionals and it is the most expensive option. But, it is also relatively quick and causes very little inconvenience.

Standard Replacement

Mirror and sink in bathroom
Used with permission of Melanie Gowen

In the past, this was the only option and it is still a valid option today. The standard approach was to simply dig the pipe up and replace it. Thanks to the camera you’ll know exactly where to dig and how much pipe to replace.

You should already know where your sewer pipe runs. If not, the detail should be on your house plans. Digging is best done with a mini-digger, allowing you to gently work your way down to pipe level. Of course, you’ll have to clear space around the pipe, this will allow you to cut out the damaged section and replace it with a new one.

It’s time-consuming, messy, but potentially the cheapest option and certainly the easiest if you are doing the work yourself.


It is worth spending a few moments assessing how the damage to your sewer pipe has occurred. In some cases it is simply old age, other times it is a particular object that has damaged the pipe.

If it’s old age then you may need to consider replacing all the sewer pipes as it will only be a matter of time before you have another, similar, issue.

However, one of the most common reasons for pipe damage is actually tree roots. These spread out from the tree in search of nutrition and water, your sewer pipe offers both.

If this is the cause then replacing or repairing the pipe will only be a temporary fix as the tree roots will break it again. You’ll need to deal with the tree. This could mean chopping it down or getting a specialist tree surgeon to trim the branches and the roots. Either option works, it costs more but it will protect your pipes in the future.

Thanks to all the companies linked above.

Air Ducts in Fort Worth

Designed living room
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

If you live in a place where it gets warm during the year, you are probably familiar with air conditioning.  This is especially true in Texas, including the Fort Worth area. I can hardly imagine getting through a summer without having air conditioning to protect me from the blazing heat.

Now, with these systems comes the need to install and maintain them. One of the key components of them is the air duct. We might not think about them much, but they are in fact what helps to keep everything working well! That means keeping them clean and performing any repairs necessary is quite critical.

Different Types

Designed living room
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Due to their nature, there are a lot of different kinds of air ducts. They have to be able to adapt to each place they are installed, after all. Each is specialized for certain places or environments, so it is good to learn about all of them!

Fiberglass Lined

Fiberglass is just about what it sounds like – a fiber infused plastic that has glass in it to reinforce it. It is a very common material because it is more affordable and more flexible than carbon fibers. It is great for this purpose because it does not conduct heat or electricity, and it is almost always inert (chemically speaking).

For this type of duct, the fiberglass can line the exterior, interior, or both. It is best used with firm ducts. However, this type has fallen out of fashion because they are destroyed quite easily over time. They tend to fall apart and release particles of the fiberglass into the air (which can be quite dangerous to inhale).


This is the easiest type to install, but there are a few caveats. It is highly flexible, as the name implies, and good for hard-to-reach spots in an installation. However, it should not be left at a ninety-degree angle.

It also tends to need support if it is in long stretches. This kind is usually made of metal coils and a layer of plastic that is flexible. The insulation can be made of glass wool but may also contain polyethylene.  

Usually it will be cube-like in nature and will not have any elbows or off-sets. They are a good option if you are low on space, but most of the time they are used in conjunction with another type.


Used with permission of Millhaven Homes

Now, when we hear this word, we might think of bamboo or wood. However, it can be used in this context as well! Rigid ductwork is reliable and lasts a long time, as the name implies.

There are a few subcategories here.  The first, and most common, is sheet metal. It is usually made out of aluminum or galvanized steel. Notably, it is lightweight and repels mold – however, it can leak if it is used in long stretches.

Next, there are rigid ducts that are line with fiberglass. However, like I noted above, these can be hard to clean and spread allergens in the air. It can even spread mold if you aren’t careful about maintaining them, but it is unfortunately quite difficult. There are options out there such as an Air Duct Cleaning Ft Worth website if you have this type.

Finally, there are fiberboard ones. Usually, their exteriors are coated in some sort of foil, and they use compressed fiberglass (that is pressed into a board form). It is fairly inexpensive to install but can experience some of the same issues as the kind above – mostly involving mold and mildew. It can also cause friction that can impact the overall effectiveness of an HVAC system.

Do We Need to Keep Them Clean?

Interestingly, this is a debated topic. However, I would say it is generally a good idea to have them routinely cleaned and maintained at least once a year – probably twice for the best results.

Think about it. The air conditioning we receive is stuff that we breathe in on the regular in our homes, while we are out running errands, and usually at work as well (unless you work outside). The particles in this air matter.

Dust particles are never fun to breathe in. A lot of us are actually allergic to dust mites, as well – I know I am. There are some conditions in which you should absolutely get yours cleaned.

First of all, if they are visibly moldy, you should seek professional cleaning. This can be extremely hazardous for your health to be around and breathe in. Some kinds of mold are highly toxic, and most will cause breathing problems and can aggravate asthma.

Designed bedroom with hair and double bed
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

If you would like more information on this, you can check out this page – after all, it is a good idea to try to figure out why the mold is growing so that you can correct that condition. If you don’t, it will probably just grow back again even after having a cleaning.

If you notice that dust or other debris is being discharged from the vents or registers in your home, that’s another sign you should probably get them cleaned. There should never be that much build up inside a duct – it can hamper its effectiveness, on top of being a health risk.

Finally, if you notice vermin or rodents running around in the ducts, you should have them inspected and taken care of. You should probably invest in an exterminator first but removing any of the detritus left behind is also critical.

While it may not seem important at first glance, it is always best to try to keep your air ducts clean to increase overall effectiveness and reduce any potential health risks. While there is not a lot of proof that it is beneficial just yet (there simply have not been enough studies about it), it certainly does not cause harm.

For that reason, I would recommend at least checking out your options. That is the best way to prevent issues in the future that could be costly, after all!

Thanks to for consulting.

Why You Should Pay Attention To Jewish Art

Photo by Carmine Savarese on Unsplash

For some reason, art is often an afterthought when it comes to interior design. But with just a few canvases, an entire room can be lit up with personality and colour, creating plenty of conversation starters for any guests you invite over. In actuality, art plays a crucial part in interior design.

But choosing the right pieces can be a little difficult. How do you start? Do you go for something that is right for the space or something that speaks to you personally?  Most of the time, getting something that is a representation of you and your personality is the best way to go.

If you are Jewish and are looking to incorporate your faith into your home, you will find that artwork can fit naturally inside the space. Mostly because it is something that speaks to you, and anything that speaks to you should be encouraged within your home décor.

What Jewish Artwork Is Out There?

There are plenty of Jewish paintings out there which are beautiful and moving. Choosing art based on your religion is a great way to represent your values and faith inside the walls of your own home. The right one will be sure to light up any space and speak to you personally, giving you small details to notice and smile at every time you take a look at it. 

What Kind Of Jewish Art Is Right For Me?

Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Brandon Architects and photographer Darlene Halaby

Whether it’s 3D paintings or traditional abstract pieces, you will find that there are many choices to go for when looking for Jewish art. Work featuring oil or acrylics can do well to give your room a warm and welcoming tone, or you can even get oil paintings which have been painted onto olive wood and Jerusalem stone. This will be sure to play a central role in the room you choose to place it into.

Can Any Room Have Jewish Art?

Of course, you should still pay attention to your interior design as a whole when installing Jewish art pieces. Artwork won’t necessarily work in every space. If you already have rooms with beautiful paintwork and furnishings, then you should allow them to steal the show and take centre stage. On the other hand, there are plenty of rooms which will really pop with a few art pieces. You will know just by looking.

Which Rooms Are Best For Art?

Bright designed bedroom with king size bed
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

As stated before, it really depends on the rooms themselves. Ordinarily, however, a lounge will certainly benefit from having a few art pieces on the wall, especially if you are choosing art which radiates a warm and cosy vibe. Bedrooms should also work. If you are part of a family, then invite your children to help you decide. Ask them to explore the web for something they would like in their bedroom. This will also be a great way to get them more involved in the Jewish faith.

Is There Any Other Way To Incorporate My Faith Into My Home?

Of course. There are countless ways to welcome the Jewish faith into your home. Whether it’s through artwork, dinner sets or living room ornaments, you will find that your faith can take complete control of your home décor theme. Go out there, keep an open mind and explore. Your home is a blank canvas just waiting to be filled.

Thanks to for consulting.

More Than Just Cutlery: Styling Precious Metals In Your Kitchen

Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

Kitchens can be an easy place to trip up when it comes to interior design, especially if you have taken the effort to make a stylish and luxurious feeling home. You can take a long time planning through a full-scale renovation, with a sleek and smooth finish to the kitchen floor, cabinets and tables, but often we forget about one of the most important items there is to go with it.

Cutlery Is Integral To A Well-Designed Kitchen

Beautiful and intricately designed cutlery is the perfect finishing touch to any stylish kitchen. Precious metals such as gold and silver can give your kitchen a professional and sleek touch, which can be integral in creating a well-rounded balance with your intended kitchen design. Say, for instance, your kitchen has a modernist and minimalist look.

This can often involve materials such as copper taps or steel islands, giving the space an air of coldness and clinicism. With the cutlery, however, you can integrate a bit of traditionalism into that design, turning the kitchen from a clinical space into a room with heart.

So what kind of cutlery will work best for your kitchen? Here are a few notes to help you work it out.

Silver Cutlery For A Soft And Lustrous Kitchen

Kitchen with dining table
Used with permission of Emily Followill

Looking at silver, specifically, this is the most commonly used cutlery to give your kitchen both a sleek and soft appearance, no matter whether your kitchen is modernist or traditionalist. Due to its symbol of purity and perfection, it is typically the opportune metal for religious households, with many using holiday influenced dining sets, from a silver honey dish to an intricately designed spice box, all to represent their faith and create a warm and welcoming tabletop.

Gold Cutlery For Prestige And Beauty

Gold, on the other hand, can bring a slightly more prestigious and luxurious quality to your kitchen. This is perfect when paralleled with a more traditional, wooden kitchen, as the gold colours can radiate warmly amongst the wood.

Whilst not as durable as silver, gold has always been used to portray wealth and richness, so if you are trying to create a high-end and prestigious home, then gold cutlery can be a perfect means to incorporate this style into your kitchen.

Stainless Steel Cutlery For A Modernist Design

Kitchen with kitchen island and shelfs
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

If, however, you would like to match your modern kitchen design with the cutlery, then there is nothing wrong with going for stainless steel. This is a simple and bold option which would undoubtedly phase smoothly into the kitchen as a whole. Some people like a more clean and minimalist look, and there are a number of other benefits to stainless steel cutlery too.

Your Kitchen Is Important

Remember, your kitchen is one of the most important rooms of the house. Many people no longer have dining rooms, which means that any meal prepared in the kitchen will also be eaten in the kitchen too. In this way, the kitchen has become the beating hub of the home.

If you want your cutlery to reflect this fact, then there is no doubt that it should remain at the forefront of your attention.

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Improving Home Improvement with a  Contractor Directory


Whether you’ve done it before or not, finding a good contractor for any home improvement project is essential to making sure your project is off to the right start. You want to make sure that your project is done by someone you can trust with your time and money.

Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

Finding someone with the expertise and licensing required to get the job done can be a difficult task. This is where a contractor directory can help. They can find the right contractor or specialist for your home improvement projects.

It doesn’t matter what kind of project you need to be done; a directory can help you find the right person for the job. A Pro Contractor Directory Website can give you options at the tips of your fingertips for every type of contractor and it makes it simple to find reputable people in your area.

How to Use a Contractor Directory?

It may seem complicated at first but once you’ve discovered what it is you need done, all you have to do is determine what kind of contractor you need. Next, search by your location. This will give you a list of contractors in your area. Then all you have to do is pick one. Simple!

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 Why Hire a Contractor

You wouldn’t take your car to anyone but a licensed mechanic, so why should your household projects be any different. Homeowners spend hundreds of thousands of dollars when they purchase their homes. It’s an investment and as such, you shouldn’t let just anyone work on it.

There are lots of licensing and permits that are required for certain home improvement jobs. If you don’t have the proper permits in place, you could be in a world of legal trouble. Steep fines and time wasted on just the tip of the iceberg. It’s important to know what documents you need.

You might find that the renovation you started can’t be completed. Worse yet, any renovations or additions you made to your home before getting a permit may not be counted to your home’s overall value and you might not be able to use your renovations to increase the market value of your home.

A contractor removes these obstacles for you so you don’t have to worry! Check out this website for additional reasons why you should hire a general contractor.

Photo by Durian Bullet on Unsplash

What kinds of projects would you need a contractor for?

Renovations, home improvements, and repairs are all things a professional contractor can help you with. Whether it’s adding a room to your home, redoing your kitchen, or repairing your old dishwasher, a contractor can ensure that it’s done correctly the first time.

There are lots of different kinds of contractors so it’s important to choose one that is a good match for your project. Take a look at the different types of contractors to help you find one with the right skillset.

Free Man Wearing Black Denim Pants With Carrying Hammer on Holster Stock Photo


            These are the guys you want to call with anything that involves an electrical socket. Maybe you are adding outdoor lighting to illuminate your driveway or garden beds and need someone to help you install it? Or maybe you recently bought a new house and there’s a problem with the circuit breaker and need someone to fix it.

Whatever the case may be, you’ll want to find someone who can do the work safely and efficiently. By looking at a Contractor Directory, you can find someone who can do this kind of work well.

Photo by todd kent on Unsplash


            A contractor directory can help you find a plumber who can lay the pipes for the bathroom of your dreams. They can help you renovate the bathroom that’s already there or add the plumbing to a new home or addition.

            A plumber can also fix leaks from sinks and showers, fix toilets that don’t flush, and tubs that won’t drain. They’re not just for home improvement projects! They can be used for life’s everyday mishaps.


            Picking out the perfect shade for your new nursery or office is an exciting experience. Paint color can create memories or put a personal spin on any room. By hiring a painter, you can put your personal touch on just one room or your entire home! If you want to brighten your life, call a painter!


            Landscaping is a great way to add value to your home and improve your living space but it must be done right. Without proper thought or expertise, you could be adding plants to areas that won’t let them thrive. For example, if you place a rose bush in a shaded area, it won’t bloom since it requires heavy sunlight. Then all that work and money will be for nothing!

            Landscapers don’t just make flower suggestions though. They can help you add water features, create walking paths with pavers, trim your flower gardens, and help you take care of your lawn!

Window Replacers

            A lot of people don’t think about replacing their windows until they need them replaced. New windows can help regulate your home’s temperature. If the windows are older and worn, warm air can escape from your house and make it harder to heat up.

            Since windows are important for regulating our household insulation, it’s important to find someone who knows what they are doing. A bad window installation by someone without experience will only cost you more in the end. A contractor directory will let you find people who have the experience you need.


            If it’s time to replace that linoleum flooring with hardwood, look no further than a carpenter. A carpenter can help lay down the perfect hardwood flooring in your living room, dining room, or bedroom. They can also give your kitchen new life by creating cabinets that fit your home or style.


            Architects are the building masters. Maybe you just bought a piece of land and want to build your own custom house. Unless you’ve been to school for it, you probably won’t get too far. By contacting an architect, they can assist you in creating the perfect house just for you.

For more types of contractors, click here.