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Absolutely fabulous living rooms from our dearly departed Domino


Luckily, more and more great online mags have been popping up. However, I still miss Domino mag …

such pretty colors…

This white and tan living room is one of my all time favs…

I think this adorable space is Rashida Jones’s apartment…

Love this REAL vintage living room, which one a contest.  It’s the apartment of the super talented Lara of Piewacket

light and pretty and feminine

via Domino

Blissful bedrooms for a particularly bad case of the Mondays…


Oh man, I have a bad case of the Mondays. What I wouldn’t give to just curl up under my fluffy down duvet…

so glam and pretty…

via Lonny

via Scandinavian Chic

via Ivy and Piper

bedroom perfection…what do you think of all the rugs?
via Lonny

this bedroom is a great study for anyone trying to figure out how to mix patterns

via Cote de Texas

via 2 above via Adore Home

Gorgeous little outdoor escapes…


Before we know it snow will be falling and ice will cover the roads …atleast here in the north east. So enjoy these beautiful days of autumn outdoors while you still can… happy weekend!

I hope there’s a beach behind that cottage….

so gorgeous…

via Pinterest

Pale and Interesting – a home with calm and simplicity


There’s nothing like moving to a smaller dwelling (which I recently did), to encourage one to purge excess stuff from the home. These photos give a taste of how serene it is to ditch the stuff and go minimalist, but with a rustic twist.

I love worn leather club chairs

that dresser is gorgeous – it definitely doesn’t need accessorizing. Same with the chair.

*love that chair – a piece of art in itself

What do you think?  Do you purge your home on a regular basis? Every now and then? Never?

via Pale and Interesting

House tour: A lovely Swedish home in black and white…


This home is so pretty – I definitely have some home envy going on. I could never be so disciplined though, as to only buy things in black and white. I’m bad about that – If I like it, it could serve a purpose, and I can afford it, I buy it. I worry about it fitting in (and sometimes not) later.

I’m digging the birch(?) branch!

How about you?  Are you good at sticking to a color palette in your home or do you stray?

via Hus & Hem

A bright and airy home filled with reclaimed beauties


This home is gorgeous on it’s own – but discovering that it’s filled with reclaimed furnishings and architectural elements makes it even prettier.

Love the table with the mid-century chairs. 

Such a pretty workspace!

I’d love to have a sliding door like this one day

can’t go wrong with a crisp, clean white bathroom

via Pure Green Living

The charming, idyllic towns along Lake Constance in Germany


Lake Constance is Europe’s third largest lake, on the gorgeous Rhine, at the foot of the alps. The lake and it’s absolutely adorable towns makes for a gorgeous day trip from Ulm. Actually – I wish we had scheduled more time to explore the towns. You can read about Lake Constance on Wikipedia.

I love half-timbered buildings…

So gorgeous!

As always – thanks to my bf Chris for these gorgeous photos.

Here’s that list again of all my posts from our travels that I’ve posted –


•Introduction to my European backpacking trip and a list of places we visited
Galicia – Baiona and Isle de Cies
Galicia – the coast, some charming vineyards, and Pontevedra
Santiago de Compostela and gorgeous hidden beaches
Gorgeous mountain lakes of Picos de Europa
Stunning mountains – Picos de Europa
Bilbao and San Sebastian
Beautiful Barcelona
The amazing Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona
Art Nouveau dream house by Gaudi in Barcelona


Not to miss – the gorgeous rocky coast of Italy’s Cinque Terre
More from my summer traveling Europe – amazing Rome
From my summer in Europe – amazing Pompeii
Turquoise ocean and vineyards on cliffs – the amazingly stunning Amalfi coast
My Summer in Europe: Pictures from lovely Florence, Italy
Enchanting Siena
Lake Como, Italy

Jungfrau region, Switzerland, Part 1
Jungfrau region, Switzerland, Part 2

One of my favorite cities from my European backpacking trips – Ulm, Germany

The Dos and Dont’s of Kitchen Decorating


Decorating magazines can be a great source of inspiration, but they can often overlook the basics. The problem is that basics are a big deal to the first-timer decorator. Getting your kitchen perfect is no simple process, and we can’t take anything for granted. So in order to help, we’ve assembled the most essential dos and dont’s of kitchen decorating.


• Invest in a high-quality worktop. It is essential to the aesthetic and for maximizing space.

• Allow for numerous electrical sockets. You can’t have too many unless they’re eyesores.

• Separate the refrigerator from the grill, oven and similar appliances as much as possible.

• Make space for a dishwasher.

• Place base cabinets at least 21” deep.

• Place cabinets above countertops at least 30” high and 12” deep with at least 60” of frontage.

• Make your walkways 42” wide and your passageways at least 36” wide.

• Hire a professional fitter to connect the gas.

• Hire a professional electrician to handle all wiring.

• Hire a professional plumber to set up the water supply, waste disposal and drainage.

Below are some great example of kitchen Do’s

via Christopher Peacock

via Kitchenisms

via Pinterest

via Schibsted Forlag


• Overestimate cabinetry and cupboards; too much will make the kitchen seem smaller than necessary.

• Go with less than 144” of frontage for small kitchens or 186” for large kitchens (greater than 150 square feet).

• Allow for less than 15” clearance between counter and the bottom of wall cabinets; 18” is best.

• Carpet the kitchen. A kitchen floor will get wet, and it needs to be as hygienic as possible.

• Place a dishwasher farther than 36” away from a sink.

• Hang anything, including cabinets, over an oven or hob.

• Place an oven or hob directly beneath a window.

• Purchase elaborate window coverings. Simple blinds are the best choice.

• Underestimate storage needs. Any kitchen needs a combination of at least six drawers and cupboards.

• Account for less than 12” x 24” for each diner.

• Forget to place a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

This kitchen is a major don’t…

via Ugly House Photos

These are some of the major decorating tips to look out for when revamping your kitchen. Happy decorating!

*disclosure: this is a sponsored post

Inspiration and tips for organizing your craft space


The better organized and pretty your craft space, the more you are going to get out of it.  Below are a few tips for getting it back in shape and lots of eye candy full of inspiration. These are coming at you from BHG. My additions are in italics.

Clean Out Clutter.

Test all the craft supplies you own, including paints, markers, and glues. Do the same with tools such as scissors, staplers, and punches. Toss everything that doesn’t work. Put similar items in clear plastic containers with handles.

Storage for Small Gear.

Hang a clear vinyl shoe bag inside a closet or behind a door. Slip small parts, supplies, and tools into the pouches. If you have no door/closet in your work space – try a small rolling cart with lots of little drawers.

via Amazon

Hang Fabric.

Drape fabric scraps and swatches over rubber-coated hangers intended for multiple pairs of pants. Hang from hooks on the back of a door. Different fabrics need special treatment – even draping velvet over a hanger can damage it This post from Entirely Smitten has great storage ideas, which includes creating your own little minibolts, to using storage boxes originally intended for CDs and other items.

via Entirely Smitten

Organize Ideas.

Purchase eight to 10 sturdy letter boxes and fill with inspirational materials from books, magazines, photographs, and online searching. Organize and label boxes by topic, source, or project. Stack near a chair or desk and use an extra counter, end table, or resting spot. I organize my inspiration and ideas in binders. I fill the binders with clear page protectors and slip my inspiration in the sleeves. It is a really fast way to literally flip through my inspiration. I have a binder for graphic design, hair and makeup, workouts, packaging design, etc.

Here is some great craft and work spaces for inspiration:

so gorgeous!  But I hate when they take cords out of shots – where is the lamp cord?
 Regardless, the cube shelves provide great storage.

This is a dream space – tons of storage drawers, a cushy window seat!
3 above via BHG

via Curbly

via Ikea

via Pinterest

A cabinet with tons of tiny drawers is great if your projects require lots of small tools and materials.
via Pinterest

Bright, airy, and beautiful spaces to brighten up your Monday


Ugh – I’m feeling this Monday pretty hard. I’d love to just layout in a chaise on my balcony and read and nap. I thought these white and bright images might be a little pick-me-up…

How pretty is this hammock?

via Hubsch Interior