A house with a garden is 1.5% more expensive than those without one. Further research concludes that the activity of planting lawns decreased crime such as burglary by 90%. It is also evident that having a nursery will result in several benefits.
The perks are not only enjoyed by the caretaker but also by the neighbors. For instance, in New York, the gross tax benefit accumulated by the entire community gardens amounted to $563 Billion in the last 20 years.
To an individual, gardening has its health benefits. It will boost one’s immunity due to exposure to the sun, is an entertaining exercise, and improves the caretaker’s memory.
However, not all horticulturists are doing a great job. For a first-time caretaker, it is difficult to identify the best practices. How often should I water the plants?

Which tools are the best? Do I need to call an expert? Also you can check out some of the best japanese gardening knives for a great gardening experience.
To pick out the best knife, consider the following tips.
What is its material?
Will it be able to cut a long deep root in your lawn? Only a strong material will last for the purpose. You will also need one which will last for a long.
Hence, opt for a fine blade. Hand-forged steel, stainless steel, and carbon steel are the most preferred. They are sturdy enough to perform. Do not go for any metal material.
They are very feeble and will frustrate you during your planting. An aluminum one is also weak and very light.
What about the Handle?

The grip is vital during planting, especially when taking care of plants that are a bit far. A good cutter should attend to all plants; you need to have a good hold of them.
A good grip should be about 0.8” x 1.5” x 13” in measurements. The handle should be very comfy to use and durable.
Some of the most preferred handles are aluminum-made or hardwood. There are others with a leather sheath for storage purposes.
Check on its size
The average weight of recommended cutters is from 50 grams to about 250 grams. All of them have a narrow type of body with a sharp end.
They are light and very portable to perform their duties. You want a tool that has the best shape and size for optimum effects. A large blade will be hard to handle. Hence, ensure that the carver works well inside your hand to avoid any future injuries.
A good carver will have serrated edges. This feature will aid in its performance. As a planter, you ought to make sure that the cutter works and that you are less likely to be injured during the process.
Time is also a crucial factor. A blunt carver will have you working on a single plant for hours when you can attend to it in a lesser time with a sharper one.
Recommended, you ought to weigh all these options before going home with your plant cutter.
Some of the tasks a good carver will perform are:
Pruning and Cutting

There comes a time when your plant has extended branches that interfere with other plants. If you do not cut the parts, then your whole nursery will look unorganized.
A great carver should be able to do that easily. It will also get rid of weeds, pests, or any hindrance out of your plants. Prune the young plants at least two times annually.
The best time to do that is after flowering (Often during late winter or early spring) This is by observing any damaged end parts of the plant and carefully cut them out.
The carver will also cut any plant bags or fertilizers during the planting process. For weeding, the carver will slice it out of the root. After that, you can comfortably remove it with your own hands.
When planting new seeds, you ought to dig up some holes. You may do that with a trowel, yet a good cutter will work its magic. Some of them have some measurements on them to let you know how deep you have dug.
Any plant yield- root crop-can get harvested via a plant cutter. Some common root crops are carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beets. The carver should do the work diligently so that the harvest is untampered. It will carve out the yield out of the soil.
How To Take Care of it

For efficient use, your cutter needs to be well maintained. The best maintenance practices are:
Thorough Cleaning
Immediately after planting, you should clean your knife. A quick way to do that is by running water on it to eliminate all the dirt surrounding it.
You may use a soft brush to remove the stuck particles on it. If the cutter got exposed to an ail plant or a pest-infected soil, opt to soak it in bleach.
The recommended amount is two drops of bleach. After that, rinse it in plain water.
Make sure it is sharp enough
The cutter should be sharp enough. It will also be long-during once honed. As a caretaker, make sure to sharpen it often. The right tool to do that is a file or a sharpener.
You should make sure not to make it highly sharpened. It might result in injuries during the process. For the edges, you ought to use a sharpening stone. Experts recommend that you wear eye-protective gear and heavy gloves during the sharpening process. Click here to see other gardening tools.
Ensure there is no rust
The cutter should be very dry before storage. Failure to do that may accumulate rust. The rust will affect the lifespan of the apparatus, and soon, you will have to shop for another one.
To avoid this, make sure that you treat it with linseed or mineral oil before putting it back. If the tool gets rusty, you need to soak it once again in a mixture of vinegar and water overnight.
After that, use a ball of steel wool to scrub it in a circular motion, then rinse it in soapy water. Leave it for a few minutes, then rinse it in plain water this time.
Take it once again, then leave it to dry. Eventually, you can rub it lightly with the mineral oil.
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