Kitchen Renovations For Beginners

When planning your first Santa Monica kitchen remodeling project, you will find it is so easy to get carried away with the design aspects of the project. While designing your dream kitchen is certainly more fun than thinking about the logistics of the renovation — which range from the “why” behind your decision to remodel your home’s hub to the cost of labor, materials and everything in between — it’s essential that you address the specifics before you begin demolition. Below are five steps you should take before calling in the contractors to ensure your project makes it from demo day to the final reveal without a hitch.

Pinpoint the Reasons You Want To Remodel Your Kitchen

Kitchen with dinning table and kitchen island
Used with permission of Atelier Noel

When asked why they want to remodel their kitchens, most homeowners will tell you because they want to change how it looks. While this answer isn’t necessarily wrong, it only scratches the surface of the true reason most people undertake such a large project.

If you really dig deep as to the why behind your decision, you may just discover how very unsatisfied with your current kitchen you really are. Though your reasons for remodeling will be different than, say, your neighbor’s, some common reasons to renovate include the following:

  • The layout is not functional
  • The cabinets are too high (or too low)
  • The countertops lack sufficient area for food prep
  • There is not enough seating
  • There is not enough space

Once you identify what doesn’t work with your current kitchen, you can partner with an interior designer kitchen remodel Los Angeles to design a space that does work.

Establish Realistic Expectations

Kitchen with white cabinet and kitchen island
Used with permission of Atelier Noel

Too many people enter a home remodel with unrealistic expectations regarding how long the project will take. Most homeowners set aside a week, two tops, for a complete overhaul, and then are upset when the project runs “over schedule.”

While the timeline will differ based on a number of factors — including whether you’re planning a remodel vs renovation— plan to be without a kitchen for at least one month. That one month does not include the planning stages, which could add an extra five months to a year to your timeline.

Create a Budget

Kitchen with kitchen island, white cabinet and dinning table with chairs
Used with permission of Atelier Noel

The average cost to remodel a kitchen is between $12,000 and $35,000. The price discrepancy hinges on a number of factors, including but not limited to the size of the room, the materials you choose and the scope of the work. Before you fall in love with any materials or hire any contractors, set a budget. Set aside 5% to 10% of it for contingencies. The remainder is how much you have to spend on labor and materials.

Once you have a budget, itemize costs. If you do not have enough money to complete your remodel in a way with which you will be happy, consider doing one of two things: putting off the project until you save more, or taking out a remodeling loan. Both options will be favorable to realizing halfway through your project that you do not have the funds to complete it or, worse yet, cutting corners and having a finished product that you don’t love.

Though few, these pointers for kitchen remodeling newbies can save you significant time, money and hassle in the long run. For more in-depth guidance, work with an experienced interior designer in Los Angeles. Thanks to for consulting on this post.



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