6 Amazing Decorating Rules for Arranging Your Furniture


Arranging furniture in your home can be challenging especially when you have an empty room you need to spice up. This pushes many people to take the next step and hire interior designers to come and help them out. But you only need to follow a few simple tips and you are good to go even without the help of others.

Here are simple, amazing, and easy-to-apply rules you must follow to succeed in arranging your furniture:


via Breeze Giannasio

  1. Identify A Focal Point

A focal point has the power to determine the placement of your furniture in your space. This is the place where you want all your furniture to face. No matter the position of the sofas, everyone must be able to see the focal point. It sometimes exists naturally like a prominent window while sometimes you may have to create the focal point. So, you have to arrange your furniture around the focal point be it a media unit like a television or a fireplace mantel.

  1. Don’t Push Your Furniture Against the Walls

The size of your space determines how you can place your furniture from the walls. Remember, even if your room is small, you need to give your furniture pieces a breathing space. Wondering how? You have to leave some space like a few inches from the wall to the back of your furniture. This small space makes your room feel bigger with enough breathing space.

open concept living room

via Breeze Giannasio

  1. Build Conversation Areas

People sitting on your furniture must be able to naturally talk and converse with each other without having to shout across your room. Or crane their necks. Well, you must position your chairs and sofas, to face the other. It doesn’t necessarily mean straight on but closes so that people can talk to each other without having to raise their voices. And if your space is too big then you have the task of creating multiple conversation areas.

living room

via Breeze Giannasio

  1. Find Balance as You Arrange Your Furniture

Balance is important as you decorate your room with furniture. Look at the various sizes of the furniture at BFX Furniture and ensure that you don’t place the big ones in one place and small ones in another place too. This makes your room feel lopsided and unsettling. So, you must balance the room by mixing up the furniture to come up with a great balanced look of your space.


via Breeze Giannasio

  1. Buy Right-Size Rugs

Rugs put under your furniture must be big enough. A particular rug must be of enough size to accommodate all your furniture and ensure that everyone who sits on your furniture can rest on the rug. Moreover, the front legs of all your furniture must sit on the rug and the backs can be on the floor.

  1. Use A Bigger Coffee Table

Bigger is best when it comes to coffee tables. A big coffee table in your seating area normally located in the middle is ideal for both function and aesthesis. It’s easily accessible by everyone and provides a bigger space for displaying your accessories like flower vessels.

Succeed At Arranging Your Furniture

Combining the above rules with the best furniture at BFX Furniture, you can succeed at having the coziest room. Thanks to BFX furniture for consulting!



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