For some reason, unless you have a bottomless bank account, framing is such a HASSLE. Hence why I still have so many prints still rolled up in tubes under my bed. Framing my art always ends up costing more than the art itself, and then if you try to buy the frame unassembled matting and backing and hanging makes you realize that maybe it’s worth the money to have a professional do it!
However – I was just introduced to Change of Art – and wow am I impressed. The frame is probably the nicest one in my home, it’s eco-friendly, and made in the USA!
Here’s the rundown: “Our EasyGallery® frames eliminate all the usual hassles of matting, framing and hanging. Prints slide in & out – no taping, no taking the frame apart, no fussing with the glass. And you can store a dozen (+) prints in back. Best of all, everything’s changeable – in seconds!”
– Change of Art
Check out how easy it was for me to finally frame and hang a few tiny prints I had bought in Alaska back in 2012 when I ran a marathon.

Use the GENIUS template and easy-peasy button and nail to plan the placement of the frame and tap in the nail.

Align the divot in the frame with the top of the button…

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PS: The art is by Alaska artist Gail Niebrugge
disclosure*: I received the Change of Art Frame as a sample.