The talented Maryam of My Marrakesh reveals Peacock Pavillions to Lonny Mag

When my boyfriend and I visited Morocco in 2009, Maryam, of My Marrakesh and her husband were a tremendous help planning our trip. I had been a huge fan of My Marrakesh since before I even started Decorology. Her blog is so spectacular, that it’s no surprise that her guest accommodations in Marrakesh are equally stunning. If you haven’t heard of it already, “Peacock Pavilions” is a splendor of Moroccan art and craft work, and Maryam’s amazing attention to detail sets it apart.

The amazing work on the steps is all stenciling..that door is amazing, too

The Sufi Scribe is my favorite suite…I LOVE the sconces!

I adore the drawing on the wall – so beautiful..

The “peacock” wallpaper on the wall is pretty cool too…

Blue wards off the evil eye.

Checkout the floor, and the lanterns in this suite.

Read and see more about Peacock Pavilions in the newest Lonny Mag.

 Check out my travels to Marrakesh, Fes, and Essaouira in Morroco.



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