House tour! An artist’s super cool Connecticut home

I'm fascinated by this home, and I can't really put my finger on why.  I would absolutely love to see it in person.  Though I would like to see more variety in the artwork around the house, it has so much character! The artist, Kerri Rosenthal, smartly utilizes neutral hues throughout her home to set off the bold color of...

Mirrors are the Focal Point of a Bathroom’s Decor

The finishing touch to any bathroom can’t be imagined without the perfect mirror. Large or small, mirrors are a centre of any bathroom's style. Indeed, even in little bathroom spaces, a huge mirror can be utilized effectively. Mirrors reflect light, giving the impression of a bigger space, and they make dim bathrooms splendid and lively. Mirrors can likewise be utilized to shroud...

The Top 5 Steel Framing Myths Demolished

In the vast realm of construction and all its methods, it is sufficient to say that there have been quite a few innovations along the way. While any kind of change is always welcome in every way, one still has to be careful about the prevailing myths and how to distinguish them from actual facts. For a...

Traditional kitchens, stunning and white, from architect John B. Murray

white country kitchen
Below are some jaw-dropping traditional kitchens from the John B. Murray Architect. I've featured their work before, as I'm a big fan of the mix of modern efficiencies with the character and novelty of more traditional interior design principles. My kitchen is nowhere near the size of these. In fact, I only have 4 drawers, but it is streamlined and efficient,...

Why you should choose the vinyl windows for your home?

Are you a home décor enthusiast? Do you love decorating your house? And does it satisfy you? Well, yes we know how amazing it feels. And how important it is to feel inspired. I love changing up the decor in my home. But one thing that is neglected, or we forget to put attention towards them, are...

What Your Home Needs Most

What makes a house a home? It’s hard to define the mix of comfort and utility that we get out of our living spaces when they’re at their best — but we know right away when it’s not there. Even when we don’t consciously realize what our living spaces are doing to our bodies and minds, you can be sure that...

(Another) Fantastic giveaway for a photo canvas print from Canvas Factory!

canvas factory giveaway
It's giveaway time! (Again!) Last year I hosted a giveaway from Canvas Factory and I'm happy to be doing the same this year! Once again, Canvas Factory is generously offering a 16" x 20" photo canvas print from Canvas Factory.  I have to admit I was never a big fan of photos being printed...

Geometric Patterns: Bringing a Timeless Trend into 2019

Design: Lisa Furey Many of today's biggest home decor trends are here one minute and gone the next. Where rose gold metallic accents and macrame wall hangings have been popular in recent years, now other items are taking their place.  And whether you added a pretty rose gold kitchen faucet to your master bath...

Area Rug Tips And Ideas for Every Room Of The House

A rug can set or change the tone of an entire room. All you need to do is add a rug to any space that lacks excitement, and boom, problem solved. Besides adding a touch of warmth and cosiness into the room, including minimalist and contemporary ones, a rug has the...

5 Tips To Select The Best Furniture For Your Office

Selecting the most appropriate furniture for your office can be a daunting task. Here, you have to bear the burden of keeping the stuff minimalistic yet, stylish, and dazzling. A person contributes the maximum of his/her daily time working in an office. Thus, it's vital to adorn the place and make it more comfortable for a prolonged period...