My Summer in Europe – Budapest Part 2
If you saw my first post covering our trip in Budapest, you know how much I loved it. It is such an amazing...
More from my summer in Europe – AMAZING Budapest
Budapest may not always be on the top of people's European dream destinations, but let me tell you - it blew my mind!...
How to design the perfect guest bedroom
When you have guests staying in your home it’s important to make them feel comfortable and welcome. If you have the space, a dedicated...
More from my European backpacking trip – the colorful and unusual...
I have really dropped the ball on sharing my images from my 2010 summer backpacking around Europe, so I'm going to try to do...
Celebrating the 4th in style!
This is a guest post I did for my good friends over at Bae - a fab home decor boutique in SF. Visit...
Need to get away?
I need a vacation in the worst way....unfortunately I don't see one in my immediate future. The one I'm imagining is on the...
From my summer in Europe, Beautiful Vienna
Vienna, Austria...the country's largest city, deemed the "city of music" because of composers like Beethoven , and the "city of dreams," for being the...
A charming and magical lakefront, mountainside village in Austria
The village of Hallstatt, in the Salzkammergut region of Austria, was an amazing day trip Chris and I took while we were in Austria....
More from my European summer 2010 trip..Regensburg, Germany, and Salzburg, Austria
Yikes! It's been a long time since I've posted images from my Summer 2010 trip around Europe, and I still have a lot...
Cute HOUSE Overload – the charming medieval homes of Germany’s Romantic...
I thought by now I'd be much further into Chris and my Summer 2010 backpacking trip through Europe - but the Romantic Road tour...