How to Sign Up For Solar Feed-In Tariffs?

If you have an existing solar energy system or are exploring the option of getting one with a feed-in tariff (FiT), you can get paid for the energy your system produces. For example, if you are connected to the electricity grid, and your renewable energy system produces more electricity than your property needs, you can export this surplus energy.

The rate that will receive for the export varies according to several factors. For example, origin energy feed in tariff rates are amongst the best in the country, but their rates are conditional and vary across states.

Check Your Eligibility for Feed-In Tariffs

White house exterior
Used with permission of Jenny Keenan

To be eligible for the feed-in tariff, one should install the solar PV system on a household or small business. Your system must be connected to the grid under the National Energy Market (NEM). The NEM is an interconnected electrical system that supports over nine million customers. It is the wholesale market through which energy distributors and retailers trade electricity in Australia. 

If you plan on installing a new solar energy system, you could also be eligible for the government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

Different Feed-In Tariff Rates According to the Location

Depending on your location, the regulatory authorities and electricity retailers will offer you different rates. For example, in SA, if your solar PV system was connected to the grid before September 30, 2011, you could be eligible to receive a distributor feed-in tariff. On the other hand, if you reside outside of South East QLD, you might be able to get the regional solar feed-in tariff.

Then, there are FiT rates offered by retailers. Again the location matters here. For example, in Victoria, there is a minimum and maximum FiT rate set by the regulator. But, that is not the case in QLD, and thus the rates vary. 

Compare Plans from Retailers Online

Living room with couch, coffee table and shelf with decorations
Used with permission of Katie Destefano

Before applying to any retailer, you must take some time to compare the plans they offer. You can do so using a third-party comparison website. You provide details like your area, availability of solar PV, and get details of all retailers and their offerings in your area.

Several retailers offer reasonable rates across the country, such as Origin energy feed in tariff. But a high FiT rate should not be your sole concern. When comparing retailers, consider other factors like supply and usage charges, limited-time offers, discounts, billing periods, and terms and conditions.  

Once you find a plan that best suits your needs, you can fill in an application online or get in touch with the retailer’s customer service. If you want to switch retailers, you can do so with the help of a comparison website. Your details will be transferred to the new retailer, and everything will be taken care of without you needing even to make a call.

Maximise Solar Energy Value with Feed-In Tariffs

House pool and yard
Used with permission of Blackband Design

If you are interested in receiving a feed-in tariff, start researching the retailers in your location. You can use third-party websites to compare tariffs online. Explore plans offered by Origin energy feed in tariff and other similar providers. When comparing retailers, FiT rates, base rates, discounts, and customer service are some factors to consider.

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