When you take a sneak peek in people’s garages, you will indeed find a lot of clutter instead of cars. In a survey, it was found that the majority of the homeowners claimed that thanks to the chaotic garage, they cannot park their vehicles in it. Also, people lately have been choosing to keep their doors shut so others cannot see the mess from outside.

While this isn’t so wrong, it certainly does not take away the fact that you need to change this right away. Through this article, you can have a garage that is entirely organized that you can use for storage purposes and also park your car in it. You can also consider adding temporary storage to keep your car accessories, so there is not so much clutter left to be sorted. Some of the steps to keep your garage organized are mentioned below.
Divide and Conquer
Separating the clutter is ideally the first step to achieve garage nirvana. All you need to do is dedicate an entire weekend to the same task. You don’t need to look at it as a chore. You can also consider involving your kids and it will become a fun event.
You need to put aside three containers and make three piles. These include donate, keep or throw away. Consider involving a loved one in the cleaning process if you have an emotional attachment to any of the things.
Whenever you feel you want to keep some item, consider asking yourself if you have used it in the past two months. Schedule a yard sale if you wish to sell some of the stuff that is in good condition. Don’t wait to donate things. Try and donate your things as soon as possible to the nearest drop-off spot.

Yes, it will take you a few days but you have to give yourself time to organize everything properly. How well you organize your garage impacts how well you can keep it organized for long. You can plan your storage after understanding how much space you need for your car or other large items, as well as car accessories.
You can also get your hands on developing a storage system and break the garage down into zones. This will help you organize stuff in a better manner.
You can keep the vehicle in one of the areas and larger things in another. Install shelves in your garage if you don’t have one. Don’t forget to label them correctly. You can also replace the cardboard boxes with sturdier plastic boxes. You can hang bicycles and garden tools on your wall. Use hooks for the same.
Keep the rarely used things, including the holiday decorations, on higher shelves as you don’t use them regularly. The main idea is to give a dedicated space for all the items you have and things you have decided to keep, off the floors.

Keep It Clutter-Free
You need to have good discipline to keep your garage neat and tidy. Remember to keep things back in place and ensure you don’t buy something you don’t need.
One of the best and effective ways of moving towards a clutter-free approach when it comes to the garage is by adding a small storage shed by ShelterLogic. This can be useful as the extra stuff can always go in this shed and you will always stay organized. Thanks to shelterlogic.com for consulting.