How to Fix Paint Peeling Off Doors – Residential Repair Services in Wauwatosa Wisconsin

Front entry doors are considered to be a business card of the residence.  They serve for safety, protection from cold, must have a nice appearance and be convenient in handling. A wooden front entry door is a guaranteed way to distinguish your home from the others, it is a compliment of the house design.

However, its natural beauty should be thoroughly maintained, and even the least spot of peeling off cover can become a disaster to the whole look. Let Apex Window Werks in Wauwatosa Wisconsin take care of your front entry doors and prevent any possible problems during their exploitation. 

Wooden doors, produced from natural wood and according to the latest technologies, occupy leading positions on the market. They have natural high sound isolation and heat insulation abilities and can be manufactured as per the customer’s design.

Modern farmhouse
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects,
Interior Designer: Tru Studio,
Photographer: Manolo Langis

This material requires regular protection from outside influence that should be performed only with the help of special means and by experienced technicians. The wooden entry door is a good investment in your house, so entrust its maintenance to Apex Window Werks team of professionals in this field.

Mass-market options are not usually the best. To receive the best option in terms of quality and design you should order it at the manufacturing site according to your specific unique style. Custom-made products provide choice (design, shape, finish type) and guarantee the quality of the finished product. 

Do not hurry up to replace the construction of natural wood, especially if the shape is not standard. The most respected are structures made of valuable wood species, created according to an individual sketch, of non-standard shapes and sizes. The specialists of Apex company will inspect and assess the condition of the structure and offer a further repair plan.

We will also point out if the frame is skewed and how dense the wood is and if there are any cracked areas. Our professionals will give you a detailed plan of restoration measures and an estimated final cost. We know how to refinish a door and make it look brand new again.

You should be prepared that wooden entry doors are not cheap, and the price usually depends on the Material and its processing method, type of leaf (solid or paneled canvas), fittings, and presence of decorative elements.

We will tell you how to refinish the wood in this article. The steps are not difficult but demand very precise work. The devices you will require tools such as a construction dryer, a metal putty knife and the one to cover the damages, the sandpaper of different grain size for rough processing and final sanding, paintbrushes.

Modern farmhouse living room
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects, Interior Designer: Tru Studio
Photographer: Manolo Langis

1. Old door primary processing

Take the door leaf off its hinges and place it horizontally, remove the hardware. Old constructions are most likely to be covered with a thick layer of paint. A construction dryer will help to remove it. Remember to follow safety instructions when working with this device.

It can heat up the surface to extremely hot temperatures. Use a metal putty knife to remove heated paint. Make gentle moves on the wood in order not to damage the surface. Having thoroughly finished this step, you can proceed to the next–door restoration.

2. Door restoration

The restoration process starts with grinding. To achieve the best results, it should be done manually. Consequently, more time is needed, but the safety of the door leaf is guaranteed in this case. Moreover, it will save soft wood species, if such were used in the manufacturing process. We should clean the canvas from dust and debris.

Please, be attentive to reveal all damages and scratches and remove them with the help of special putty. Once it is dried, remove putty leftovers with medium-grained sandpaper. The surface must be well sanded before the start of paint application. 

Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects, Interior Designer: Tru Studio,
Photographer: Manolo Langis

3. Paint application

Before we apply any paint, the leaf should be completely cleaned from all dust. Remember to hang the leaf back on its hinges before you start any cover application. Firstly, it is important to apply the primer. This base layer will also allow you to see any spots to be cleaned off or flattened. It is very important to remove all these before applying the layers of main paint. There should be at least two layers of paint, but the quantity depends on the color density you want to receive.

If you want to cover the door with varnish remember to follow the rule:  every following coating layer should be applied once the previous one is completely dried out. Once the paint stage is over, remember to put all the hardware back.

For the purpose of wood restoration, it is recommended to contact technicians, such as the Apex Window Werks team, who know how to deal with this noble material. Having decided to restore damaged door surfaces, the owner faces a difficult choice: entrust this work to professionals or try to do repair work himself.

Self-confident people undertake restoration, which may lead to insufficient coverage, the appearance of new cracks in the wood, unreliable installation, and other problems. By entrusting this work to Apex Window Werks specialists in Wauwatosa Wisconsin, the owners will get the result performed at the highest quality level. Sounds not convincing? Give us a call now. Thanks to for consulting.



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