The Best Ornamental Plants for Your Texas Garden

If you have free space in front of your house, you may want to consider converting it to a garden. That way, your home gets to appear well decorated and well taken care of. The garden also helps in making you feel better, as plants and all other elements of nature tend to have this unique capacity to help you cope better with stress.

Gardening for hot climates

via Flower Magazine

Although gardening is relatively easy, you still cannot do it well without being strategic. One of the first things that you should pay close attention to is choosing the right plants. Here, we present some of the most colorful plants that do well in the Texas climate.  

Mystic Spires Blue Salvia

Texas is known for its heat. If you are to plant something, it should be able to withstand high temperatures. The Mystic Spires Blue variety of salvia is going to be a good pick. This plant can withstand the Texas heat and blooms profusely all season long. It has stalks that are covered with little blue petals and topped with a unique touch of silver. What makes this sophisticated-looking plant more appealing is the fact that it does not attract deer, an animal that usually causes harm to ornamental plants, especially in Dallas and many of its neighboring communities. But it is pretty enough to attract butterflies and other pollinators, ensuring an abundance of blooms for a long time.

Gardening for hot climate

via The Masters of Horticulture


Caladium is going to be a good choice if you want low-lying plants that are meant to just cover the ground. This plant has huge heart-shaped leaves. These leaves are light green with specks of purple all throughout, giving them that unique look that makes your garden look expensive. Because caladium likes the shade, it is best planted at the foot of trees and tall shrubs. gardening for hot climate

via ?

Henry Duelberg Salvia

The Henry Duelberg is a variant of the Mystic Spires Blue salvia that we introduced in the first point. This plant is loved by many because it has flower spikes that can grow up to a foot long, giving your garden a splash of generous deep blue blooms. What makes this salvia variant a lot more appealing is the fact that it is very drought-resistant. It does not need much care so it’s perfect for homeowners who are busy with a lot of things.

gardening in hot climate

via Fine Gardening


Because of its light blue color, the Plumbago is also known as the sky flower. This name is quite an oxymoron because this plant usually does not grow tall. It is mostly used to cover the ground below tall shrubs or trees. They are also used to line promenades.  

This plant thrives so well in the Texas heat that they are reported to flower generously during the non-winter seasons. Plumbago is also very responsive to pruning, so it’s quite a fun shrub to take care of.

gardening in hot climateChoosing the right plants is crucial in making sure that your garden stays alive with minimal intervention. While the plant selection process might require some serious research, there is no need to be discouraged because the effort exerted will surely pay off.  Thanks to WikiLawns for collaborating with us!



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