Every Monday morning needs a little eye candy and inspiration! This morning I was searching for some new furniture designs and couldn’t keep my eyes away from some of these gorgeous spaces. Each one has something I would love to have in it!

Pinterest via Desire to Decorate

via Laura Ashley
The wallpaper in this room modestly luxe. I love the way it is just a hint of color so it doesn’t distract too much from the rest of the room but it gives it that something extra. I also love the dark furniture to give it some contrast.

Picking out great furniture for your room ins’t always easy but in this room above it looks well thought out, but not like it’s trying too hard. I love the mix and match quality of it but it still looks put together really well.

via Pinterest
The walls in this room are amazing! I absolutely love the historical touches and how the furniture doesn’t take away from it at all! They stuck with the same three colors throughout and it looks amazing.

The room above is gorgeous! I love the neutrals and the elegant layout but my absolute favorite part of this room is the subtle color they brought in with the rug and bedding! This is a fantastic way to add a little color in a room as well as a pattern!