An up-and-coming interior designer you must check out

House Beautiful had an exciting article in the Dec/Jan 2010 issue called "The Next 20 the Next Wave," which showcased 20 designers their editors picked for keeping an eye on. Danielle Fennoy was one of them and I think you guys will really appreciate her beautiful, practical, fuss-free design sense - and her philosophy that design is not...

Color Inspiration – Nature Inspired Palettes

I hope everyone is loving their holiday! I'm going to be random today and share some not so holiday photos, just because they're relaxing and we could all use a little bit less pressure this time of year!So, my weakness when it comes to design is color. I'm a bit afraid of it and always lean towards white...

Have a wonderful Holiday and holiday inspiration

I want to wish you all a really wonderful holiday and I hope you get to spend time and laughs with you loved ones! On Monday I'll be leaving for Spain to see my boyfriend, Chris, where I'll be staying for a month, a week of which I'll be in Morocco. I will do my best to update you...

And the winner of the All Modern carafe is…

Siobhán! Congrats to you! Thanks to all for entering. Siobhán, please email me at [email protected] with your shipping address and a telephone number for the shipping company.

Favorite images from my favorite blogs

A little eye candy for you. Hang in there - the holiday is almost here!via Grey Likes WeddingsThe above image=heavenvia Souvenirs of a Girlvia My Romantic HomeThis bed is soooo pretty.via HomebugThis actually really makes me yearn for summer evenings.via A Fanciful Twist

A tour of my Brownstone studio apartment

I was really flattered when Marcela of Deco and Design asked me for a little house tour. Unfortunately since I am currently "without house," I had to send her photos from a very cute studio apartment I lived in a couple of years ago. It was on the ground floor of a brownstone in the Brooklyn neighborhood...

Gorgeous, Glamorous, and Casual!

A casual base with touches of glamor is how I prefer to dress - on the rare occurrence that I leave my house and need to look presentable. On the farm I spend my days in old jeans and sweaters because I don't worry about them getting muddy or ripped or succumbing to any other sort of farm-induced damage....

From my library: Speed Decorating by Jill Vegas

I really like the tips in "Speed Decorating: A Pro Stager's Tips And Trade Secrets For A Fabulous Home In A Week Or Less," and the pictures are mighty cute too!Two lovely entryways - check out the wood "bottles" to the right of the red secretary.Five Musts For A Great-Looking Entry1. Clutter-free surfaces. Get rid of boxes, shoes, anything...

Kindred Spirits Christmas Countdown on “Live Creating Yourself” – featuring Yours Truly!

I want to thank Alaina of Live Creating Yourself for being so kind as to think of me to fill out her Christmas Questionnaire.The lovely collage she made of images for DecorologyThese were the questions:1. My home isn't decorated for the holidays until...2. My holiday spirit soars when I hear the song...3. If I had to be anywhere but...

A personal post: Remembering Cody a year later

A year ago today the saddest event of my life took place. My 8 year old Australian shepherd, Cody, succumbed to lymphoma, just a month after his diagnosis and after one round of chemo. His weight had dropped down from 40lbs to 25lbs in just a few months. He went from a happy, lively deer and chicken chaser...