Opinions please! Two unusal accents for the home…

I thought it might be cool to get your take on two unusual decor treatments that have come my way.First - the "Marie Antoniete Mirror" by Boca do Lobo. It's an ornately carved wall mirror, which looks like a hand mirror, and ultimately speaks to the largess of Louis XVI's court. What do you think? Do you like is...

A charming upstate farm retreat

It's a dream of all (admit it, all) NYC dwellers to have a country retreat. Kathryn Windley was no exception to the rule. She was tired of her grueling hours as an art director for a Manhattan ad agencies, and was recently divorced. She added a new twist to the New Yorker turned farmer by actually...

Fresh and inspiring home offices

As some of you know, I work as a freelance web designer. Working for oneself definitely has it's perks, but with it comes a lot more responsibilities, as you are accountable for everything. I am always extremely busy, which I enjoy, but last week I was drowning, and spent most nights up until 3:30 AM to meet...

When life gets hectic, it’s the little things..

Phew...sorry for the neglect this week! I have a lot of major deadlines this week..my average bedtime the past two weeks has been 3 AM. Anyway, I figured I'd take time today to post some eye candy, not only to inspire you, but also to give me a much needed break from my current projects. Here...

Fresh bedroom inspiration

I think it's hard to go wrong with white and bluevia Target print ad  The owner of this bedrooom quotes "I was a lot more beige once upon a time but a trip to Australia stopped all that."  I love it when a recent trip spurs you to make changes in one's everday life! 3 above via Heart Homes...

Shabby Apple discount code and the winner of the $75 gift card

Congratulations to Joanna!  Joanna was chosen by a random draw.  Joanna, please contact me at ashley decorologyblog com with your address so I can get you your gift card.If you didn't win but still have your heart on something from Shabby Apple, they have been kind enough to give everyone a 10% off discount when you use...

The glamorous interiors of Schuyler Samperton

It is always such a treat when I'm introduced to an interior designer whose work I haven't seen before. It doesn't happen very often, which is why I'm really excited to share with you Schuyler Samperton. She's an LA based designer with a cool modern twist on traditional decorating. I'm sure some of you do know...

Last day to enter the Shabby Apple $75 Gift Card giveaway!

Go to this post to find out how!

Luxury Bedroom Wish List

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house,  not only for it’s obvious function as a place to sleep or store your clothes and shoes, but the role it plays a private haven or sanctuary away from everything else ( remember when you were a teenager!).Ultimately a bedroom should be relaxing, comfortable and a little...

A 1940’s Suburban in a modern traditional style with just the right amount of color

I particularly like this house tour because it's not over the top or a complete interior design fantasy.  I can see real people living here. The house is located in Charlotte, North Carolina, and inhabited by a New York couple.  The interior design is by Lindsey Coral Harper.This entry is like a breath of fresh air.The kitchen floor is...