How do you Hang Wallpaper for Beginners?


When hanging wallpaper for the first time, it’s best to use a tested, tried, and proper technique to ensure your wallpaper continues to look flawless for years to come.

London wallpaper is one of the fastest ways to update an old room or transform a whole house into something spectacularly new. Hanging wallpaper is simple if you know the right tips and tricks to make it stylish and beautiful.

Panoramic view of London
Photo by Charles Postiaux on Unsplash

Here’s a step-by-step guide to hanging your first stripe of wallpaper, from preparation to clean-up.

1. Prepare the Room for Hanging Wallpaper

Choose a room with hard, flat surfaces all around it for best results. In other words, avoid laying wallpaper in rooms with wavy or bumpy walls. Also, make sure the room is empty of any furniture or rugs that cannot be moved away.

2. Measure the Wallpaper Strips to Determine Placement

Determine how many strips you will need for your wall by measuring its height and width in feet (length x width = total area). Ensure all edges are clean and flat to avoid lumps in the finished wall.

3. Double-Check Your Room for Obstacles

Remove all windows and doors from the room you’re working on for best results. Also, make sure the flooring is level, as any bumps or dips will show through your wallpaper. If cabinets cannot be removed, make sure they are secure and will not fall during the hanging process.

4. Prepare Your Wallpaper Strips for Placement

Living room with chairs and couch
Used with permission of Millhaven Homes

In order to hang your wallpaper strips evenly, you’ll need help from a helper to measure from one side of the room to the other. If you’re working alone, use a spirit-level ruler or another tool to make it easier. Make sure all wallpaper edges are sanded down before you begin hanging it. Secure your wallpaper with a mastic adhesive on cloth all along its back.

5. Hang Your First Strip of Wallpaper

Please start at the highest point on one wall and peel off the first strip of wallpaper (with mastic adhesive already on it) from the roll. Match up one of the corners with your first corner and press together before hanging the rest of the strip. Use a wallboard trowel to spread mastic adhesive all along its back. Smooth out any bubbles or lumps with the trowel as you go, starting at the center and working your way outward.

6. Hanging the Strips Across and Down

Hang each strip of wallpaper across the wall and down vertically before hanging strips horizontally and diagonally to fill in the gaps. Keep smoothing out any bubbles with your trowel as you go, starting from one corner and working your way toward another.

7. Getting the Last Strip Down

Red phone booth on the street in UK
Photo by Jack Finnigan on Unsplash

Last but not least, you’ll need to measure and cut your last strip of wallpaper down to size before hanging it across the wall horizontally. Make sure all edges are clean and smooth before hanging this final piece.

8. Cover Any Unsealed Edges with a Border

If any unsealed edges are left from the wallpaper hanging process, use a border or cut and seal them with either seam or lining tape. Ensure all materials like glues and cement are dry before applying edge covers.

Wrapping Up

By following this simple guide to hanging wallpaper, you can transform any room into a beautiful thing. If there are any questions left about the process of hanging wallpaper for beginners, contact an expert.

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