Common Sense Reasons Why You Should Ditch Cable TV for Streaming TV

In the old days, cable TV companies had a stranglehold on viewers who wanted more out of their television programming. Customers were required to connect bulky equipment to their televisions in addition to paying hefty monthly bills. Fortunately, those days are gone. Today’s consumers have a number of choices when it comes to getting quality television programming. This is made possible by the many streaming companies that have appeared in the last several years.

What Is Streaming TV?

Living room with beige colors, sofas, coffee table and TV
Used with permission of Kira David Design

Streaming TV is basically television watched over the internet, so you’ll need a high-speed internet connection before you can take advantage of streaming. Once you’re connected to the internet, you’ll need either a smart TV or an internet streaming device that will allow you to watch programming over the internet.

No More Bulky Equipment

True enough, you now have the option of mounting your TV and eliminating the eyesore of wires and cables, but the equipment necessary for cable TV setup can be annoying. For some, it’s just a clunky cable box and a bunch of wires cluttering up the space around the television. For others, it’s the cable box plus a good-sized satellite dish that’s placed outside the home. Can you remember the days when satellite dishes were bigger than a small tractor? In addition to taking up space, cable boxes and satellite dishes can be eyesores, detracting from a home’s beauty. 

Streaming Is Simply Cheaper

It may surprise you to learn that you can stream hundreds of movies and programming for free. But that’s the beauty of streaming. Once your TV is connected to the internet, a world of programming is available to you. Even some traditional cable companies have jumped on the streaming bandwagon and are giving customers the option of streaming.

You might want to keep in mind that you may be required to pay for premium content, but even those costs can be substantially less than what you’d pay for cable TV. Cable TV bills can amount to hundreds of dollars a month. Free programming is available through streaming devices such as:

  • Roku Express 4K+
  • Amazon Fire TV Stick
  • Chromecast for Google TV
  • Apple TV 4K

Streaming Is the Future, Cable Is the Past

Photo by lasse bergqvist on Unsplash

For those of you still living in the 20th century, you may be surprised to learn that there is a way for you to get more programming than what is available through cable TV and at a cheaper cost. But such is the case with the advent of the internet and streaming TV. According to a recent study, the number of Americans who say they watched TV via cable or satellite dropped from 76 percent in 2015 to 56 percent in 2021.

There’s More Programming Available Through Streaming

As more TV networks and media companies move their programming online, some cable TV networks are finding that they’re struggling to keep up with content demands. This could mean fewer viewers since consumers are always looking for new and fresh content. With streaming media devices, a whole new world of programming becomes available. There are even certain apps that allow you to expand your device’s program options.

You Can Watch TV in Any Room

Another disadvantage of cable or satellite TV is that you can only watch a TV that’s connected to a cable box. Streaming TV allows you to watch TV from anywhere, as long as you have a smart TV or streaming device. You may have heard the term ‘cord-cutting.’ This refers to the idea that streaming TV allows you to get rid of the many wires and limitations you have with cable TV.

You’re Able to Stream Services While Traveling

High-speed internet allows you to connect with streaming providers such as Hulu, SlingTV, and Netflix. Content from these providers is available anywhere, as long as you’re able to gain access to the internet. When traveling, you’re able to enjoy your favorite TV shows on other smart TVs or on your laptop.

Something You May Want to Consider

Living room with couch, table and chairs looking into bedroom with bed
Used with permission of Breeze Giannasio

Although there is a lot of free content available to stream through your television, you may want to consider that you’ll need a high-speed internet connection to take advantage. The cost of high-speed internet may be as much as your cable bill. Still the advantages of having access to the internet amount to much more than just being able to stream television programming.

Of course, you may live in an area where you have no access to high-speed internet. In such cases, cable or satellite TV may be the best option for you.

Wrapping Things Up

There are many advantages that go along with cutting the cord, both financial and practical. Ditching cable or satellite TV for streaming may allow you to save money in the long run. It also gives you access to hundreds of movies and TV shows that you wouldn’t find on cable TV alone. If high-speed internet is available in your area, you may find that streaming TV beats cable TV hands down in every area.

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