Tips on How to Make Your Living Room More Functional

Space in a house is a coveted commodity to human beings. Too much space makes a room feel dead and empty while small spaces will make a room feel compressed. Therefore, for better functionality within a room, one should strive to find the right balance. Here are tips that you can utilize to make a room more functional.

via Lauren Haskett Fine Design

●   Using space for its intended purpose.

To improve the functionality of a room, one can approach the design from a technical perspective. This will entail space planning, which is a detailed analysis of the physical space before the design phase. Despite the use of small house interior design terminologies, this is an easy step that one can apply by easily observing their room. The main aim of analyzing the room before any change is to ensure that you take into consideration the function, physical limitations, furniture, size, and flow of the room. Having already visualized the room, you can, therefore, make decisions and assign spaces for different roles and sticking to them. Jesse Cannon, an interior designer who works with customessayorder states that to achieve full functionality with the room, one has to be disciplined and able to maintain the structure of the arrangement. This is easily achieved by using the designated spaces for the intended purpose.

●   Maximize your vertical space.

via Lauren Haskett Fine Design

Creating space can be challenging when it comes to making your home spacious. Maximizing your vertical space is one of the best methods to create space however, it always seems to be the last option for most people. Disorganization and clutter can quickly take over the house when the homeowner mostly relies on the square footage. Here are functional ideas you can draw inspiration from to maximize the vertical space in your room.

  1. Vertical shelving is the most obvious use of vertical space one can use. The storage shelves can house the books and office materials you need for day to day life. This storage is most efficient for a small office set up, therefore, ensure that the shelves are placed in your designated office or study space.
  2. Hanging your belongings is another way that vertical space can be utilized for easy functionality in the house. Hooks can come in handy for hanging your light objects such as; light jackets, bags, umbrellas, and decorative accessories you might own. Another item you can use for hanging is pegboard which you can get at a relatively cheap price on Amazon. This can be efficient for hanging table cloths in the kitchen, or lighter clothing in the closet.
  3. In your designated kitchen space, you can use the hooks to hang some of your cutlery and wiping towels. If you happen to have cabinet space in your room, you can save on the counter by storing lesser-used items higher on the cabinets and the most used on the most accessible shelves. You can also hang wires and organizers in the cabinets to create more for hanging items.
via Lauren Haskett Fine Design

●   Utilizing lighting appropriately.

The right type of room lighting can drastically change your room from a dull to a vibrant mood. Besides lifting your spirits, appropriate lighting will increase your productivity and functionality of the room immensely. For a small space, Allen Lawson, a designer who cooperates with recommends layering the lighting of a room to accommodate lighting such as;

  1. Ambient lighting.

This type of lighting generally includes natural light from windows or artificial lighting that is just enough to perform general tasks around the room.

  1. Task lighting.

This type of lighting is essential when one is performing tasks that require focused light such as reading. Such lighting will make it easier for an individual to read at night and also find belongings in dark areas such as under the bed.

  1. Accent Lighting.

This lighting is effective in highlighting and drawing attention to the features in a house. If you have interesting artwork or pictures, you can use this lighting to breathe extra life into them.

  1. Dimmers.

If you only have one source of light in the room, consider getting dimmers online, that will help you navigate through the functionalities you desire in the room.

  • Colors.

Brighter colors such as white and blue are known to induce alertness while warmer colors such as yellow created a relaxed mood. You can try to experiment by first choosing the best color for the small living room then layer the lighting for the other areas like the sleeping space.

●   Maintain easy traffic flow

via Lauren Haskett Fine Design

To get the best out of your room, you need to achieve a perfect traffic flow. The functionality of your room is compromised once you are unable to move around the room comfortably. Therefore, consider the following to make a room to work in your favor.

  1. Avoid swerving.

For a small room, you are not afforded the space to place the furniture at an angle. This will hinder some of the corner decoration ideas for the living room you might have. However, placing furniture like a sofa along the wall will enable the flow and not interfere with the doorway or path of movement.

  1. Use defined boundaries.

This can be done through the use of walls or large furniture like the sofa or closet to create outside edges. For the inner edges, you can use carpers, low chairs, and tables for contrast. The space that is left between the two edges is consequently used for movement around the room.

  1. Clear pathways.

Once you have defined edges, creating a direct path for instance, to the door will become easy. Maintaining the path will ensure that any movement to or from the door is not blocked.

  1. Use bold colors.

Bold colors are said to make a small room look bigger as they can create boundaries than white or light colors. The reasoning behind this is that people seem to enjoy and feel comfortable in well–defined spaces.

●   Minimize the clutter

When everything in the house is out of place, it can be irritating especially if the room is small. The main way to minimize clutter in a room is to manage everything you touch. This will require discipline and training yourself to return objects to their designated spaces once used. Also, Elisa Estrada, a furniture designer who works with recommends getting rid of things you do not need by either selling or donating them to individuals that might find a better use for them.

By using the above tips, you can be guaranteed to save up some space and make your room more comfortable. However, the best advice you can take is being creative and coming up with ways that benefit you and apply to the size of your room. You can try moving things around and observe the outcome then build on that to achieve the full functionality of the room. Thanks to Essay Kitchen for consulting!


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