10 Guest Bedroom Essentials That Look Beautiful and Feel Great


Read on to discover the guest bedroom essentials that help make the space feel welcoming and ensure your guests are comfortable.

Do you have a guest room in your house? Are you trying to establish the greatest accommodations possible? If so, there are a few essentials that you’ll need. 

Curious as to what these guest bedroom essentials are? Then keep on reading. We’re going to review them now. 

via Jan Jones

1. Spare Linens

You undoubtedly already have blankets, towels, and pillows in your guest room. However, one set alone won’t necessarily do. As such, you should make sure to stock your shelves with spares. 

After all, your guest might like to use several towels after stepping out of the shower. He or she might like to use additional pillows for added back support. You never know what your guests’ comfort preferences might be, so you want to accommodate all of them. 

And don’t scrimp on the extras. Make sure to buy the best towels, best blankets, and best pillows you can find. 

2. Door Hooks

Your guests are sure to have clothes to hang up after they’ve arrived. Odds are, they would prefer to hang these clothes in the room in which they’re dressing and sleeping. This is why you need to install door hooks on the back of your guest room door. 

This can be done in two different ways.

One option is to mount permanent door hooks. The other option is to buy an over-the-door hook set. Regardless of the option you choose, it will offer the desired effect. 

3. Iron/Ironing Board

via Jan Jones

Another set of items you’ll want to have on-hand is an iron and ironing board. After all, you never know when a guest might have to get gussied up for work or a formal function. 

Providing your guest with his or her own ironing set allows for optimal convenience. He or she doesn’t have to pester you about getting yours out of storage. Instead, he or she can just handle the task alone.

4. A Mirror

Whether it’s getting ready for a night on the town or getting ready for a day at work, we need mirrors to help us assess our personal appearance. Your guest is certainly not immune to this. 

As such, you need to make sure that there’s a mirror in your guest room. While a waist-high mirror will suffice, a full-body mirror is an even better option. Fortunately, you can buy portable versions at very affordable prices. 

via Leo Designs Chicago

5. A Clock

Telling the time isn’t exactly difficult these days. With all of the phones and smartwatches in existence, it’s typically as simple as pressing a button. That said, it’s still wise to equip your guest room with a clock. 

A clock will not only add to the aesthetic of the guest room, but it will also serve as a handy time-telling entity for when your guests don’t have their technological devices handy. Cell phone or not, you can almost guarantee that your guests will look at the clock from time to time. 

6. Trash Can

Trash is an inevitability. It doesn’t matter where you are, you will eventually have something to throw away. Your guest room is no exception to this rule. 

As such, you need to have a trash can ready at all times. This way, should your guests need to throw something away, they won’t have to trek out to the kitchen or the bathroom or some other room in your house. In most cases, a small wastebasket will do. 

via Leo Designs Chicago

7. Toiletries

Another batch of items that you’ll want to keep in your guest room is toiletries. Regardless of what your guest is visiting for, he or she will need to take showers, brush his or her teeth, and use the bathroom. 

Some toiletries you should stock up on include toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and lotion. You could also consider supplying floss, deodorant, razor blades, and the like. 

While your guest will likely bring some items of his or her own, he or she can always use yours in the event of a packing mishap. 

8. A Dresser

When your guest shows up, he or she is bound to be carrying a large suitcase full of clothing. While he or she could just grab clothes out of this suitcase as needed, it would be ideal if he or she had an entity in which they could be stored. 

This is why you’re advised to put a dresser in your guest room. A dresser will enable your guests to lay out their clothing in a clean and organized manner. This will vastly improve convenience, making for a better experience overall. 

9. A TV

TV is far from a necessity. However, at this point, it’s expected. People not only use TV to entertain themselves but to help them fall asleep at night. 

As such, you need to have a TV in your guest room. It doesn’t need to be a 52-inch flatscreen, but it does need to be able to display some moving images. And if you could hook it up to cable or streaming services, that would be great too. 

via Leo Designs Chicago

10. Side Tables

If you’ve ever slept without a side table available, you know how frustrating it can be. You’ve got nowhere to put your water, nowhere to put your phone, and nowhere to put your various other items. You’re stuck on an island with no appropriate storage entities. 

This is why you need to put side tables next to the bed in your guest room. Side tables are integral to guest room storage, and will vastly improve your guests’ experience. 

Stock Up on Your Guest Bedroom Essentials Now

You never know when someone might be stopping through. As such, it’s important for you to stock up on your guest bedroom essentials now. As long as you have the items reviewed above, you should be good to go. 

Looking for other home decor tips? You can find them right here on our website. Take a look at our other articles now! Thanks for Scooch and Steve for consulting!


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