Handmaid’s Tale Set


Whether or not you were a fan of Handmaid’s Tale, the use of color in both costumes and the set are amazing.  The house is perfectly on point for the show as well.  I actually wish I had been able to find better photos from the set, so if these wet your appetite I recommend watching the show just to see the home.

handmaid's tale set

The commander’s office is very masculine.

handmaid's tale set

The lighting in the set is also on point as you can see.  It’s dusky and secretive.  Furnishings are traditional which also speak to a major theme of the show.

handmaid's tale set

The wives wear teal and that is really the only pop of color you see used in the commander’s home.

handmaid's tale set

Another shot of the commander’s office.

handmaid's tale set

The kitchen and dining room are my favorite areas of the home, and probably the rooms you see the most of.

handmaid's tale set

I wish I could have found better images of the kitchen for you.  The exposed brick is homey but it also has a slightly industrial feel.

handmaid's tale set

These last two images are the commander’s office again.

handmaid's tale set

Are you a fan of the show?  What do you think of the set?


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