St. Bart’s house tour: cool, crisp Caribbean style.

This house tour will have you packing your bags.  It is the home of Keld Mikkelson of Day Birger et Mikkelson and his wife Marianne Brandi.  In full disclosure I’d never heard of them, but if their clothing and accessories line are like they’re home, I’m sure I’d be a fan.  The home is adorned in sleek blacks and pure whites, along with natural textures and elements to reflect the beautiful island they live on.
I collected these images from two different stories, which is why the photos look different and the rooms are sometimes styled differently.

What do you think of the ladder as book display?

I really like the geometric black and white rugs.  They work in any and every room in the home.

The gallery wall helps make the space more inviting.

The ceiling is amazing.

I love the black and white bedding too, and the nightstands.

Love the bathroom! It’s what drew me to the house.  That antique chest contrasting with the white tile is amazing.

So jealous.


This home is gorgeous!

What do you think?  Who wants to chip in with me and buy a home on St. Bart’s???
images via K & Co. and Live Journal



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