Kids Rooms That Rock!

I’ve always pictured how fun it would be to decorate a kids room. Since the nursery phase doesn’t last long, I’ve been scouring the web to find some pretty awesome kids rooms. Here’s what I found:
mommo design: 10 ROOMS FOR LITTLE BOYS:
A campers dream come true with room for a friend!
for the girl ill have one day:
Extra space to play is a must have for a busy toddler!
Floating shelves:
Room for tea and place to put everything. That is a mom’s dream room too!
Upgrade your child’s bed panels like this creative parent did using scraps from floral wallpaper. This is just one of the many creative kids room ideas.:
A space to hideout and hangout!
Dream Big With These Imaginative Kids Bedrooms – Design Sticker:
A room you wouldn’t mind sharing!
Have you made your kids room a dream come true? What did you do?


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