Kate Marker Interiors blends the old and the new
I’m having a serious designer crush on Kate Marker Interiors. As I’m sure many of you know, raising a toddler adds serious chaos to your life, both mentally and physically. The constant picking up of toys on top of being there 24/7 to tend to your little one’s beck and call can be draining. While there are many moments of joy to fill you back up, you also need an environment that decompresses, and for me nothing does that like a soothing, clean and serene space. I think Kate Marker’s interiors do just that.

Having a sleek and functional entryway helps you leave the day’s stresses at the door and helps prevent it when you’re trying to leave for the day! I LOVE the built-n cupboards and drawers

As an order and organization junkie these bookshelves are such a sigh of relief. I love the overhead lighting via the gold sconces too. Using the shelves as a sort of gallery space for art is clever too!

Nothing like a crisp white bathroom

Peppering you house with meaningful vignettes is a beautiful way to decorate.

Normally I don’t go for monochrome spaces but this dusty blue is so beautiful

There is a soothing Shaker quality to this hall

An intimate and light-filled seating area in the bedroom is a happy refuge