The Gardens of Bunny Mellon

My New Favorite Book: The Gardens of Bunny Mellon

Need a little sunshine?  The dreary winter always leaves me craving some eye candy in the form of gardens, luscious green gardens.  That's why...
modern transitional interior

Top Five Tips When Building a New House

Building a new home from scratch can be very ecstatic, giving you the chance to make your house just the way you dreamed it...
amazing hallways

Top Tips For Decorating Your Hallway

When it comes to decorating your home, one of the rooms that often gets left until last is the hallway. This is often a...
old house renovation

Top home improvement tips to add value to an old home

If you've ever wanted to renovate your home but never felt like you could justify it, take comfort in the fact that whatever you...
home upgrades

Important Home Upgrades: To DIY or Not to DIY?

No matter how vigilant you are about maintaining your home, it will deteriorate over time. Eventually, you will need to invest in some upgrades...
household emergencies

Dealing with Household Emergencies

There is nothing more worrisome to a homeowner than the prospect of not knowing how to react when something going wrong in the house....
maximize space

How to Maximize Space in Your Home  

Getting the most out of a small home can be quite difficult if you don’t know how to maximize your space. Maximizing space is...
eclectic house tour

Eclectic house tour: A home that is personal and bohemian

Eclectic house tour This house really knocked my socks off due to the amazing personal nature of the decor.  All to often large expensive homes,...
DIY curtains

4 DIY Projects to Transform Your Living Room

Your living room is an essential gathering space for your family. This room is where you get together for movie nights, board games, and...
choosing artwork

How to Choose Artwork for Your Home

Artwork can complement a room and bring out its best elements, or can completely clash with it and ruin the whole design. Unfortunately, too...