Things You Need To Know About Changing A Pool Table Covering

If you own a pool table for a couple of years, it may not be hard to overlook the fading color of the pool table cloth and the lack of smoothness. You may even notice a few scuffs or scratches. Regardless of how much you maintain and care for the cloth, it will wear out eventually.

As a rule of thumb, you need to change the pool table cover within every two to five years when you play frequently pr bout four to five days a week. For the occasional players, the table cloth may last for about fifteen years without changing it even once. Besides, the texture, look, and the playing capacity also determine whether you need to change the cloth or not.

House with a glass wall and a pool
Photo by Florian Schmidinger on Unsplash
  • The pool table cloth is also often called felt, although it is largely a misnomer.
  • The commercial pool table coverings are made from blended wool along with polyester and nylon.
  • You may find worsted woolen cloth on the professional table used during the tournaments and it does not have a fuzzy texture, making the ball to move faster and swifter across the table.
  • For the MDF tables, the covers last as such as much as the table and the expenses for changing the cloth may give you another new table but if the table is good for now, you need to find out whether changing the cloth of feasible or not.
  • For the outdoor tables, you may not find the conventional pool table covering with waterproof and UV-resistant feature.
  • One of the commonest causes of damage of the pool table cloth may be accidental rips or environment factors but friction is the more obvious reason.
  • The residue of the chalk may damage the texture of the cloth due to its abrasive quality.
  • When the chalk grinds against the surface, it causes friction.
  • When the ball rolls across the table, the commonest pathways may cause the fabric to worn out.
  • Due to sunlight ad moisture, the color of the cloth may deteriorate fast and a prolonged exposure to the sun makes the pool table covering age prematurely.
  • The moisture on the table cloth lowers the speed of the ball.
Used with permission of Blackband Design

The look of the pool table cloth alone may not help you understand whether you need to replace it or not. Ideally, you need to run your fingers on the surface to figure out the change. If the cloth appears rough and picks the lint and fuzz off the table, it is time to go for a replacement. However, when the pool table cloth sustains damage due to misjudged shots, you may not change it fully.

  1. When the cover is filled with tracking marks and ball burns.
  2. The ball moves across the table slowly and loses speed quickly.
  3. The cloth is fuzzy and rough to feel.
  4. The development of wrinkles and bunches.

When replacing the pool table cloth, you can do it yourself or call a professional as changing the cover takes a lot of time and is a highly intensive process.

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