Perfect Ways To Feel Like Home In A New Place After A Move

Buying a new house is undoubtedly an exhilarating experience. You get to make one of the most important investments of your life and build a new life for yourself and your family.

Spending some time in your new house and making memories can help deal with homesickness and blues, but the first few months can make you feel like living in a foreign land. And you wouldn’t want to spend all your time reminiscing about your old place, right?

Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects

That’s why here are some tips that can help you feel at home in a new place right after a move. Read on to learn more about them.

Create a relaxing bedroom

Moving to a new place with all your belongings can be really exhausting. Amidst juggling the first few chaotic weeks, the last thing you would want is to lose your good night’s sleep.

So, make sure you make things easier for yourself by building a serene and comfy place to retreat at the end of the day. To set up a relaxing bedroom, all you need to do is make your bed and set up nightstands and lamps. Use comfy sheets, blankets, and pillows to maximize your comfort levels.

Add a personal touch to the space

Kitchen cabinet with a vase of flowers and an oven
Used with permission of Emily Followill

Moving into a new house feels overwhelming because of so many transformations. From new wall colors to the floor plan, everything feels new and changed. And that can make you miss your old place.

To avoid that, you can make some personalized changes in the new place to resemble it like your old one. For instance, custom window treatments can help you add personality and charm to your house, exactly like your previous home. You can choose fabrics, patterns, and operation types according to your choice and customize your new home’s decor.

In fact, displaying family pictures and artwork can take your personalized home decor a notch higher. This way, you’ll be able to create a familiar living space, making it easier for you to settle into your new home.

Add some houseplants

Hallway with stairs, table and flowers in the vase
Used with permission of Emily Followill

According to interior decorators, houseplants quite literally freshen up and bring positive vibes into a living space. Not to mention, they play a significant role in filtering indoor air.

And if you have moved to a new city or country, there’s a good chance that your old house plants may not have made it to the list of belongings. So, here’s your chance to welcome the plant babies into your new house and start making some fresh memories.

The only thing you need to keep in mind while introducing new plants into your new place is to check the lighting conditions of each room. Get the pots and necessary supplies to keep your houseplants healthy and happy.

To sum up

Transforming a house into a home can be challenging, especially around the first few weeks of moving. So, avoid all the hassle by using the tips mentioned above and make yourself feel at home in a new place after a move.

Thanks to for consulting.


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