First off, I hope everyone had an amazing holiday, and happy New Year! Usually, I don’t get caught up in the New Year’s traditions like setting resolutions. This year however, I am determined to get really, really, organized. I’m usually an organized person, but the last half of 2011 I started to really fall behind on a lot of my filing, exercise routine, and many other things. So, it sort of seemed like fate when, just a couple of weeks before New Years, I received three books from organizing guru Jennifer Ford Berry. The books are “Organize Now!,” “Organize Now! Your Money, Business, & Career,” and “Organize Now! 12 Month Home & Activity Planner.”
There’s nothing quite as inspiring and exciting as a new organizing book that really speaks to you, and I think these definitely will. The “Organize Now!” and “Organize Now! Your Money, Business, & Career” books literally break down the year into weeks, and assigns you tasks for each week that ultimately get your entire space in order. I also like that, not only does she focus on the tangible things – like organizing your cupboards, entryway, social profiles, and email contact, but she also goes into a lot of depth and care to express the importance of taking time out for yourself, and streamlining your lifestyle to increase efficiency (therefore creating more time for yourself).

Table of contents in “Organize Now!”
I’ve already started the “Organize Now!” book. The beginning is dedicated to the psychology of clutter, how it impacts us mentally and physically, and all the rewards one can reap by eradicating clutter. Weeks 1- 4 are titled “Organize Yourself,” with week 1 being broken down further to “Organize your Mind & Life Vision. Each week has a checklist of weekly goals (which helps keeps the ultimate goal of complete organization from being overwhelming), and a “Stay Organized” checklist that gives you tips to maintain your newly achieved organization goal of the week. The “Stay Organized” checklist is broken down into what you should do once a month, every 3-6 months, and once a year.

Several pages are dedicated to the psychology of clutter.

Week 1’s “This Week’s Goal’s” checklist

I’ve also already filled out my first week of the “Organize Now! 12 Month Home & Activity Planner.” It give ample room to jot down to-dos for each day. The beginning of each month features a list for holidays, bill due dates, and monthly events. Each month also starts out with a monthly “focus,” tips, and a space to list goals for the month.

The beginning of each month starts out with space to list the month’s events, due dates, and holidays.

Lots of space for jotting your to-do’s!
I haven’t started the “Organize Now! Your Money, Business, & Career,” book yet, but I hope to dive into it a bit tonight, as it undoubtedly covers the aspects of my life that need the most organizing.

“Organize Now! Your Money, Business, & Career” table of contents
The books can all be purchased on Amazon.
Organize Now!
Organize Now! Your Money, Business, and Career
Organize Now! 12 Month Home and Activity Planner
You can check out Jennifer Ford Berry’s website and blog here
Do you usually feel inspired to start new projects or regimens on New Years? What are your goals and wishes for 2012? Can’t wait to hear about them!
*disclosure: I received Organize Now!, Organize Now! Your Money, Business, and Career, and Organize Now! 12 Month Home and Activity Planner as a sample