Period houses galore – people who live in centuries old homes

I literally stumbled across the site, Period Properties the other day, and down the rabbit hole I fell! It's like flipping through a fairy tale and seeing how people - rich and poor, lived hundreds of years ago. The catch is people live there now, have tried to preserve the character of the home, and tell their renovating stories.unrealI...

Fun reader question – ideas appreciated!

So, Laura posed this question to me awhile ago and I've been compiling ideas for the last couple of weeks:"We're about to get an antique brass bed from my parents, but it's beenreally hard to find examples of similar being used in well-appointedbedrooms! So I was wondering, have you seen any great examples of thisstyle?(I'm also hoping to go...

A really great giveaway!!! Alfi thermal carafe from All Modern!

Boy do I have a treat for you guys! All is graciously offering this really fun (and functional) Alfi thermal carafe to one of you! In order to win, go to All Modern and pick out one other item that you'd like to have. Come back to this post and list the item, along with your...

Check out my 2010 design resolutions on Discover Interior Design

...and a big thanks to Kristin for asking me to do this!Here are two of my resolutions - Click here to read/see them all!via MielBakesKeep things organized! I spent a lot of last year creating (through a lot of trial and error) and organization system that works for me. Once set up, it’s easy to maintain and...

A romantic turn of the century style home with a modern flair

I don't really know how to describe this home. It's featured in Skona Hem, so it features smart Scandinavian style, but it also looks like it could be a home from a fairy tale, or even a doll house. It looks like a home in a period film but at the same time features modern wallpaper, lighting,...

Amazing DL&Co. Candle sale going on at rulala!

Hurry stuff is selling out fast!Use this link for free membership if you aren't already a member -

Cool modern gifts for the hard to impress

From the very cool store, Mocha. Here are some of my favorites for Christmas.I've had my eyes on these nesting mixing bowls for awhile!A ceramic notepadThey also have these in white! Soooo cute and kids would love themAdorable pot holders!This piece of notebook paper is actually a tea towelThis is to scale, it's a teacup stool!There more online...

Real NYC apartments and what they cost

I'm probably torturing myself by looking at NYC real estate sites, but I miss the city so much, and it just helps to tide me over until I manage to move back. Not that I'd ever begin to afford to live in one of these homes!NolitaThis home is part of a major project at 211 Elizabeth Street. The penthouse...

One of my new favorite house tours – a combination of rustic and luxury

It's quite possible you've already took notice of the cover home of the Dec/Jan 2010 issue of House Beautiful. Well if you haven't, you're in for a treat. If you already have - you should have seconds! It's one of the more memorable homes I've seen in awhile. You'll see why below.This amazing loft space graces the...

Designer Portfolio! The elegant and chic work of Sara Gilbane

Probably the element of Sara's work that I appreciate the most is how practical it is! It's not so matchy-matchy that you can't add your own personal possessions, and it looks comfy but also has personality.Do you agree?Above two photos by Anna WolfThe color of that bench next to the turquoise tables is perfect. I'm a big fan...