Welcome Autumn

We spent the weekend in NYC where it was 77 on Saturday.  Now here in MD it's 56 and honestly feels even cooler.  The cloudy sky and yellow leaves only add to the atmosphere of fall.via Pinterest query "Autumn" and "Fall"

A house that combines the eclectic and glamorous

While I really like the eclectic style of decorating, but sometimes it looks a bit too "dusty" for my taste. I also really like the shiny newness of glamorous interiors. This home, by the fabulous Angie Hranowsky manages to marry these two seemingly contrasted styles.  *swoon!  That dresser - that rug! Love them paired togetherI wouldn't ever...

Dreamy conservatories

Now that the weather is starting to cool down *sniff *sniff, it won't be long before it's too uncomfortable to spend any long amount of time being outdoors.  Unless, of course, you're lucky enough to have a conservatory or glass sunroom, in which case you can enjoy the feeling of being outside all the year long.  I know little...

A big personal announcement!

My birthday was September 29th...Best birthday gift ever? I get Chris as a husband. Chris proposed to me on the 21st by driving down to the Outerbanks where I was vacationing with my family, showing up on the beach and writing his proposal in the sand. Now begins the daunting part - planning! Any words of wisdom you...

Super luxe and lush bathrooms

I have never had a bathroom worth writing home about in my years as a renter, so on the rare occasion that I get to travel, I always appreciate a hotel with a clean, well-stocked, and zen bathroom. If I'm lucky enough to have a room with a whirlpool tub, or a walk in shower, it is something I...

Interior designer Christine Fife answers reader conundrum: Help decorate a log cabin living room

Today I'm sharing a post from the fabulous interior designer, Christine Fife.I helped Christine design her website, and during that time discovered her beautiful work and amazing blog, where she answers readers questions. She was kind enough to let me share one of her reader questions, and her interior design advice on Decorology.  Her question below comes from...

Back from Vacation, and needing some home office inspiration

If you think Mondays are bad, what about a Monday after spending a week in the beautiful Outer Banks of NC? It's hard for me to not wistfully daydream about how just yesterday morning, I was sipping coffee on the beach.  ...sigh...  Anyway, it's back to work and I definitely could use some pretty, organized home offices to help...

Fall organizing inspiration…

I don't usually get excited about garages, but considering most people have one, I don't think it's fair to neglect it forever...Since summer is wrapping up, it may be a good time to get your garage ready with equipment and tools you use in the fall and winter.You can do something as quick as sweeping up and putting everything...

California Beach Cottage – White and serene

Happy Friday everyone! I will be on vacation next week, so I'm not sure how often I'll be posting. Since I will be at the beach, what's more fitting than a beach cottage house tour?this kitchen is nice and bright - it might help me wake up in the morning.The TV is hidden behind this vintage map...

Last Day to Enter the Surface View giveaway!

Need some really stunning wall art?Click here to enter to win!