4 Elements a luxury carport design must have

First, decide whether or not this luxury carport is going to be attached to your home or separate

This is the first thing that you need to think about before you can even begin thinking about what the must-haves for a luxury carport are. You need to decide if you want your carport to attach to your home, which limits a lot of your decisions but gives you easy access to your car on rainy days.

House viewed from across the street
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Or you could decide to leave your carport as a standalone building that is placed a few feet from your home, whether it be on your lawn, beside your home, or in your driveway. Once you have this decided, you can continue on.

If you are looking for more luxury carport designs check out Fair Dinkum Builds.

If your carport is attached to your home, make sure the outside design matches that of your home

When building a carport for your home that is attached to your home, you don’t get a lot of creative freedom. Your carport, in order to look luxurious and aesthetically pleasing, has to match the aesthetic and build of your home. If you have a brick house and you are putting in a carport, this carport must also have a brick finish. There are slight design changes you are allowed to make, even if the carport is attached to your home.

The inside of the carport could be built differently with different materials and colors, or you could have a different flooring than what is found in your driveway. But unless you have a modern luxury home, don’t expect to come out of this with the fanciest carport in the neighborhood both inside and outside.

However, if your home isn’t attached to your luxury carport, take a look at these design must-haves

House and Cottage
Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

If you have decided against attaching your carport to your home, you have the creative freedom to put together whatever you want. You can make it any color, any material, and any texture that you see fit. However, there are still 4 must-haves for your design that you should at least consider before you pull out those blueprints. Here are the top 4 designing must-haves for when you are putting together a fancy carport.

Smooth finish on the inside and out

While bricks and rocky patterns are very nice to look at, they aren’t the ideal image that you want your carport to have. If you are going for something modern and whimsical, the bricks and the rocks built around the outside of your carport are perfect for you. But if you want to have something that is truly luxurious, you want to make sure that you have a solid color with a smooth and shiny finish.

You don’t want the light to necessarily bounce off of your carport as this would just cause a terrible glare for whoever is directly across from the carport, but if you are going with a dark oak colored finish, make sure it has a little bit of shine to it so that you get the most out of the luxury aesthetic.

Windows if you have a fully closed carport

While it isn’t a must to have your carport completely closed up, just the opposite actually, if you did want to have one that is a bit more closed in so your car is fully protected, you have to include windows on the sides. This has a lot to do with letting natural light in, giving your guests a glimpse as to what is inside of your carport, and the aesthetic design of having a carport with windows looks a lot better than having a solid block with a garage door in your driveway.

These window designs are typically floor-to-ceiling designs, but you can add in the windows in whatever design you think looks best for your carport and your home design. Just make sure to add equal windows to both sides to keep things even and aesthetically practical.

One side of the carport must be closed off with no windows

Two houses and tree
Used with permission of Blackband Design

If you want your carport to have that truly luxurious look to it, you need to make sure that the front of your carport, or the back of it, is completely shut off from the rest of the world. Think about a four corner box, let every side of that box be open except for one.

This is how you will want your carport to look if you want it to feel like something that is really luxurious. The best part? It saves you so much space while still being closed, keeping your car covered.

Simple design that doesn’t look bulky and isn’t larger than it needs to be

Bigger is better for a lot of reasons, but when we are talking about luxury carport designs, you can’t assume that bigger is better at all. You want something that can fit your car comfortably, and you want it to look nice. Having something that is huge and that takes up most of the space in your lawn or driveway isn’t going to look luxurious, it is going to look like a car shed that was built for a cheap price.

Avoid this outcome by building something that is very thin and lightweight. Make sure all of your vehicles fit inside but spare no extra space. Thanks to fairdinkumbuilds.com.au for consulting.


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