Your home is often your pride and joy. You put a lot of work into making sure it is maintained, beautiful, and works for your needs. Over time, issues will arise that need attention, and it’s up to you as a homeowner to identify these possible problems and know how to respond to them.
One issue that can happen to homes, especially as they age, is dry rot. Because so much of your home is made from wood, it can be prone to dry rot, which will, in turn, affect the structural integrity and strength of the property if serious enough. Knowing how to identify dry rot and understanding the steps you need to take to remedy the situation as quickly as possible will help ensure that your home stays strong.
Here we’ll take a look at what dry rot is, how to identify it, and what to do about it.
What Exactly is Dry Rot?
Dry rot is an issue that affects wood; it is progressive. Dry rot is actually a fungus that spreads through the wood, rotting it as it goes. As the wood rots, it becomes weak, crumbles, and even breaks, which is why it will affect the structural integrity of your home if the damage is extensive. You cannot reverse the process.
The reason dry rot occurs is because moisture has somehow gotten into the wood. As the moisture spreads through the wood, the rot is able to continue damaging more and more of the structure as it goes.
What Does Dry Rot Look Like?
So, how can you tell if you have dry rot? It’s actually pretty easy to detect to the naked eye. Typically, there is no need to have a professional come out and determine whether or not you’ve got dry rot.

The red flags you want to look for are areas of timber that look damaged. The damaged area turns brown and has broken and crumbled pieces around it. There may also be grey strands on the timber and even spore dust that is brown or orange in color. Not to worry, the dust is typically harmless.
What to Do About Dry Rot?
Fixing dry rot should actually be a two-step process. You want to fix the area that is damaged and replace the compromised wood, plus you want to take preventative measures to ensure the moisture no longer seeps into the wood, therefore, stopping dry rot from happening again. This means eliminating or at least reducing excess moisture.
Often it can be best to call in a professional to assess the damage and then make the necessary repairs. This ensures the job is done correctly, the house keeps its structural integrity, and further issues with moisture are remedied.
Don’t Let It Go
When it comes to dry rot, it should be taken as a serious issue. Leaving it unresolved will allow the dry rot to progress and in serious cases, affect the structural integrity of your home making it unsafe to live in.
Thanks to Sacramento Handyman for partnering with us on this post