The Snap Hang giveaway has been one of my most popular ones, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on their chance of winning! Snap hang is a very beautiful and unique way to display and frequently update art. (See pick below). To enter the drawing, click here and follow the directions. I’ve pushed back the entry closing time to 12 AM Pacific time, Sat. Jan 14th. Winner will be announced Monday. Good luck!
In the spirit of displaying art, I’ve featured some great ideas below:

Your frames needn’t all match for a successful salon style wall arrangement.

2 above via BHG

Casual and easy to update look, try running some line and attaching your latest works of art with clothes pins.
via Bolig Magasinet

Another casual look, which would look good in a home office of young person’s room, is to pin art to the wall in a nice arrangement
via Domino

I think one of my favorite looks might be one large dramatic piece.
Encore Decor

A cluster of small drawings is very cute and indie
via Covet Garden

Simply leaning frames against a wall keeps things from looking too precious.
via Sweet Paul