The Only Checklist You’ll Need to Help Your Moving Process

Moving can be stressful and time-consuming. When it’s your first time moving homes, you may not know where to begin. If the list of tasks seems endless to you, you’re not alone. 

Moving can be stressful, whether you’re moving to a different city or a simply to a different state, for example, Houston, Texas. According to estimates, an average of 257 people move to Houston, Texas, everyday, which means that the state has excellent moving services. Making use of moving services can make the process much easier. This will allow you to complete your checklist in a straightforward and comprehensive way by the time moving day arrives.

Here’s a checklist of tasks to get you started and prepare for moving day efficiently. 

1. Set a Budget

First and foremost, you’ll need to set a budget for your moving process. Since moving prices can vary based on different states, doing location-specific research beforehand can be useful.

You can start by getting personalized quotes from three moving companies to determine which one is the most within your budget. You can also compare amenities such as 24/7 availability or licensed tradesmen. 

It would be best to hire movers to make sure the process is streamlined and hassle-free. Make sure to include that in your budget. To do so, you need to look into resources in your area. For example, if you’re moving to Houston, Texas, resources like may be of help.

2. Declutter

Decluttering your belongings before moving will allow you to simplify the packing experience and save money on moving vehicles. You won’t regret looking through your belongings once and getting rid of or selling things you won’t be using in the future. Try to donate them to a local shelter or charity. 

Additionally, it’s best not to leave fragile, sensitive, or expensive items in the moving truck. That may include safes, fine art, or any weapons you need to separate from the rest of your belongings.

3. Collect Supplies

View of the fireplace and living room from kitchen
Used with permission of Andrea West Design

Collecting and investing in packing supplies is a crucial step. You’ll need a large collection of cardboard boxes to store your belongings. If you’re on a budget, you may consult the neighborhood society to recycle used containers and boxes.

Other than that, you may contact local businesses like office supply stores, grocery stores, liquor stores, and restaurants, as they may have free boxes to spare. You may also go for used cardboard boxes for an eco-friendly alternative.

4. Utilize Packing Hacks

Shoving all your belongings in cardboard boxes may save more time, but it’s not efficient. Luckily, there are various packing hacks available online that’ll allow you to pack in the savviest possible way. You can do quick online research for packing hacks before you begin the process.

For example, labeling your boxes is a great hack to save time and effort when it’s time to unpack at the new house. You may also color code the boxes based on their destination or fragility. If a box contains fragile items, include instructions for the moving company to handle it with care.

5. Create an Inventory

Hallway with table with drawers and decoration on it
Used with permission of Blackband Design

It may seem like a time-consuming step, but listing your belongings in an inventory is the best way to stay sane and safe during the moving process. This will allow you to ensure you pack all your belongings if an item goes missing by the time you arrive at the new house, so you can contact the moving company for details. It’s also best to write down what box each item belongs to, making it easier to unpack.

You can also take this opportunity to take pictures of how all your electronics are wired together. This is a great hack for the ones who don’t have a tech-savvy loved one to help them set up their electronics in the new home.

6. Disassemble the Furniture

Finally, once you’re a few days from moving day, you can begin disassembling your furniture. Make sure to place all screws and small hardware in plastic bags along with their respective furniture to eliminate guesswork while assembling them again. It may also be helpful to record the disassembling process so that re-assembling is simpler.

Other than that, measure your furniture beforehand to ensure it will fit through the door of your new home. This will also give you enough time to determine efficient ways to carry the furniture to its destination without damaging it.

7. Tie Up Loose Ends

If you’re moving out of town, this is a great time to tie up loose ends. That includes canceling all local memberships and subscriptions, such as gyms, magazines, societies, etc. You can also use this opportunity to say goodbye to your friends around town.

We also recommend using this time to gather all your records in one place, whether financial, legal, or medical. You may need to gather these from local institutions such as your school or college.

8. Find New Providers

House garden with a storage
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects

Before you arrive at your new house, it’s crucial to find a new internet provider as Wi-Fi will be required in the moving process. Other than that, you’ll need to get in contact with other new providers, such as a new dentist or doctor.

This way, you’ll have somewhere to go in case of an emergency during the move. If you have pets, find a vet in the area before taking your pets to the new home. Don’t forget to bring your pet’s vet records.

9. Last-Minute Tasks

The last day before moving is the time to finish up all last-minute tasks. For example, if you have leftover food, you may get rid of it or donate it. Take this opportunity to clean the rest of your old home too. 

Other than that, you’ll need to unplug the fridge to give it some time to defrost. If you were renting your old place, complete the walkthrough with your landlord to ensure everything is intact. 


When moving homes for the first time, it’s normal to wonder where to start with the endless list of tasks at hand. Everything may seem important, but you can start by creating a priority-based checklist to stay organized. If you don’t want to start the checklist from scratch, use our moving checklist to get the job done quickly yet efficiently.

Thanks to for consulting.


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