Why LED Lighting is Soon to Become the Norm for Indoor and Outdoor Use

A lot of people have already started upgrading their homes and businesses to using LED lighting rather than old, incandescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lighting (CFL). While the early adopters of home LED have already seen the benefits in terms of dramatically reduced energy costs, the upfront costs of the bulbs used to make the switch a fairly big commitment for your whole home and all of your outdoor lights.

LED Lights

via like2buy

LED Bulbs Are Now More Affordable

Now, however, thanks to advances in manufacturing technology and processes and market demand for more cost-effective, greener bulbs, LEDs have come down dramatically in price, meaning that switching to LED has become an option for just about everyone. With so many benefits, it is no surprise that uptake is growing hugely, especially as most people don’t even need to change their light fittings to install LED bulbs.

LED Lights

via Sustainable Kitchens

LED has made Compact Fluorescent Lights Redundant

In fact, such is the superiority of LED that General Electric recently announced they were going to cease production of CFL lights. CFL lights never really won the hearts of consumers despite saving energy compared to incandescent bulbs. People felt they looked unappealing, gave an inferior lighting effect compared to incandescents, and they also took a while to light up. LED offers no such problems and, in fact, offers just about any lighting effect you want – colored lights, warm and cool tones of white light, and any brightness from interior mood lighting to outdoor floodlights.

LED Lights

via like2buy

LED and the Future

The advantages of LED bulbs apply to just about every home or workplace in the world. They last for tens of years, they use 85-90% less electricity to give the same lighting as compared to conventional bulbs, and they give you so many more options in terms of the effects you want to create, whether you want color changing LEDs in your shower or outdoor security lights. They can be made in all kinds of different shapes and styles, and have become the best friends of interior and landscape designers, making whole new looks possible and inexpensive.

LED LIghts

via Urban Outfitters

With more companies like https://www.voltlighting.com/ offering LED products at remarkably low prices compared to just a few years ago, it is very likely that the huge upward trend in uptake is going to continue, and within just a few years, LED will have completely taken over as the standard way of lighting homes, public spaces, and business premises.

LED Lighting

via Circa Lighting

This is good news in terms of carbon emissions. It will also mean reduced energy costs across the board, allowing businesses to reduce overheads and households to save a considerable amount of money over the year.

LED Lighting

via This Old House

While light bulb technology may not be the most glamorous shift in how we use tech in the 2010s, it is certainly an interesting one. It’s also one that will bring a lot of benefits to a lot of people. If you don’t already use LED in your home, it may be a good time to get on board!

This post in consideration with Volt Lighting



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