My first response to a wall decal is that they are perfect for kids rooms and nurseries! Since kids are constantly changing what they love it’s a great way to decorate a room that’s not permanent but also doesn’t require you to repaint and accessories their rooms multiple times!
But I will say I am pretty impressed with some of the options I’ve found that aren’t necessarily just meant for children! Wall Decals are a great option for those who are renting and can’t paint their walls as well as for people who just aren’t interested in painting!
Quotes are a common when it comes to wall decals but sometimes you can find that perfect one that fits your style and gives your wall a touch of personality.
My favorite wall decals are ones that look like artwork and not even like decal at all! This is a great option instead of spending a pricey amount on a piece of wall art. You can find these great decals at Cozy Wall Art.

I love that this one makes a statement piece for a headboard. It looks as though it could be one major art piece as a headboard instead of just a wall decal!