3 Current Home Trends


Just like in fashion or anything else, real estate trends change over time and what is popular today may not be as popular five years from now. Then of course there are more classic trends that are here to stay. Whether you work in real estate or are interesting in selling your home or purchasing a new one in the near future, it is good to stay informed about what the current popular real estate trends are. Here are a few of them for you to consider.


Front yard and houses
Used with permission of Patterson Custom Homes, Architect: Brandon Architects

Houses which sit on large pieces property have always been in demand, but this is true today more than ever before. People are moving out of big cities in favor of smaller and more rural areas where they can purchase property instead. 

In many cases, buyers actually care more about the size and state of the property than the house itself. The location is important but so is the amount of space. Homes can be renovated or rebuilt but property cannot just grow. This is why it’s smart to consider the piece of land you are purchasing and not just the home.

As a seller, if there are things you can do to make you property appear larger, this will help you to get better offers. Ask a landscaper their opinion on what you might be able to do to achieve this. Cutting down trees, mowing the grass, and getting rid of decks or sheds are things that might help, but every property is different.

Smart Homes

Living room with sofas and coffee table
Used with permission of Jenny Keenan

Smart homes are exactly what they sound like. Similar to smartphones, a smart home has a lot of high-tech electrical components and capabilities. For example, temperature, lighting, and several other things in your home will be able to be controlled remotely from your phone or computer.

If you are trying to sell in this market, you may choose to automate your home in order to help it sell faster. This is something that will be very appealing to many buyers who are interested in having the newest and best technology at all times.


Used with permission of Lisa Furey Interiors

Wallpaper was popular several decades ago but fell out of style for a long time. Now it is becoming popular again – especially in small doses. Many interior designers and home owners are using wallpaper to accentuate certain areas of the home. This is a great way to bring in a burst of color and happiness and to showcase your individual personality, just try not to overdo it as wallpaper can make your space feel cluttered and busy if there is too much of it.

Trends come and go and the housing market will always fluctuate, but there are things you can do to get your home to sell faster or to become a smarter buyer as well.

Thanks to bobbyfordkubota.com for consulting.


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