Do you have a cracked concrete front porch step? It’s only going to get worse over time. Check out this step by step guide to learn how to fix it up.

Time hasn’t been kind to your concrete steps. Whether it be due to rain or ice or sun or physical trauma, they’ve incurred a number of cracks. As such, they’re not only aesthetically impaired, but functionally impaired as well.
For this reason, you’re wondering: how do you go about fixing a front porch step? It’s easier than you realize. All you have to do is follow these steps.
Tools and Materials Needed
First and foremost, you’ll need a few tools and materials.
Required tools include:
- Trowels
- wheelbarrow
- shovel
- bucket
- broom
- pump sprayer
- finishing broom
- paint roller
Required materials include:
- water-based sealer
- duct tape
- concrete mix
Repairing Concrete Steps
There are a number of steps involved in concrete stair repair. We’ll discuss them all in detail below.

Cleaning the Steps
First, you need to clean the steps. This should be done with a power washer and should be facilitated in only one direction. The goal is to blast all of the debris and residue to the same area, ideally toward the road.
Marking the Area
Once the steps have been cleaned, you should mark them off with tape, indicating the areas where the steps begin and end. The tape you place will prevent you from accidentally spreading concrete in unwanted areas.
Mixing the Fresh Concrete
Now, you’re going to mix your fresh concrete. This is as simple as following the directions on your concrete mix bag. Note, it’s wise to use a concrete mix with at least 2,500 psi. That said, 4,000 to 5,000 psi would be ideal.
When mixing, be sure to mix only small amounts at a time. Mixed concrete will start dry within around 30 minutes.

Applying the First Coat
Now, it’s time to apply the first coat of concrete. Using a shovel, take some of the concrete mix and place it on top of the affected areas. Then, using a trowel, smooth it out, ensuring that it’s filling the cracks and holes.
Note, to keep your balance, it’s wise to lean on a second trowel. This trowel will prevent you from indenting the wet cement with your hand.
Applying the Second Coat
Generally speaking, a single coat won’t get the job done. You’re going to have to apply two.
Wait until the first coat is fully dry and then add another. Spread this coat flat across the previous coat, ensuring that it’s even at all points.
Testing and Dampening
Once the second coat has dried, you need to test and dampen it. Test it by running a broom across it lightly. If doing so causes any of the concrete to flake off, it’s probably a little too dry.
Use a spray bottle to apply small amounts of water. This water will seep down into the concrete, giving it greater elasticity, and allowing it to thrive through all types of wear and tear.

Finally, you’re going to want to cover the step with a sealing solution. Take your water-based sealer and, with a paint roller, spread it evenly across the step. This will protect it from moisture in the future, allowing it to last for a decade or two without disturbance.
Done Patching Up That Front Porch Step?
Done patching up that front porch step? Looking for more home improvement information? Look no further than our website. Thanks to Garon Products for collaborating!
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