Wallpaper and Tile?

This weekend I saw a beautiful picture of a wallpaper and tile bathroom. It was so stunning, I just sat and stared at it for a while. Initially, if I was told to put both together I would take a minute to consider other options, but seeing it with my own eyes was totally different.
via apartmenttherapy
It made me look around for other options of tile and wallpaper that I hadn’t seen before. Take a look at what I found:
bathroom wallpaper + tile:
via amiecorley
A Modern, Coastal Kitchen Remodel (On a Budget) : Home Improvement : DIY Network I love the wallpaper on the back of the shelf interior, but it's probably way more work than I would have the patience for.:
via diynetwork
Hi Sugar Plums reveals the lovely result of their elegant yet affordable bathroom makeover! Someday we will take our shower tile to the ceiling as she did. And that Moroccan floor tile is so pretty.:
via hisugarplumsblog
Or you can just do a tile that looks like wallpaper!
desire to inspire - desiretoinspire.net - Swedish room porn:
via desiretoinspire
Would you put tile and wallpaper together? I’d love to hear in the comments below!



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