The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Right Couch

Choosing the right couch involves considering various factors such as comfort, style, size, material, durability, and budget. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right couch for your home and lifestyle: Photo by Ozgur Ivo on Unsplash Before You Choose A Couch

New Year Habits for an Organized, Tidy, and Clean Home in 2024

As the New Year unfolds, it's an opportune time to embrace habits that transform our homes into clean, tidy, organized sanctuaries. The journey to a well-maintained home is not about grand, time-consuming efforts but about small, consistent actions that make a significant difference. Here are some effective habits to adopt in 2024 according to a five-star rated...

How to decorate your home to showcase art

Today I have an amazing home tour for you! Lindon Art Manor by Alice Lane Interior Design is a work of art itself, but it is also provides boundless inspiration for how to decorate your home to showcase art! Designing a home that showcases art can be a wonderfully creative and personal endeavor. Here...

How to create an artist studio (even if you just use it for WFH)

Creating an artist studio can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. Here are some steps to guide you in to create an artist studio: Create An Artist Studio First, Define Your Space: Choose a space that suits your artistic needs. It could be a spare room,...

Decorology’s favorite decor & furniture brands on Amazon

Whatever you think of Amazon - an evil monopoly trying to take over the world or a life-saver you couldn't live without, there are simply some things you can't get anywhere else. Here are my favorite decor & furniture brands on Amazon. Many of my favorite decor brands only sell wholesale, so unless there...

3 Housecleaning Myths You Should Know

Most people can agree that a clean and organized home is much more enjoyable to live in than a disorganized one. Not only is it more “zen” to look around and see that everything's in its right place, but it's also healthier to live in.  Photo by Nico on...

10 Effective Tips to Make Your Home Cleaning Routine Faster

Most of us dread keeping our homes clean and organized, primarily because it can be time-consuming. However, with a few clever strategies, you can significantly reduce your time cleaning while maintaining a pristine living space. Here are ten expanded tips according to the  Cleaner Vibe website to make your home cleaning routine faster and more efficient:

Create The Perfect Cozy Nook

Once New Year's is over I'm ready to usher in the long hot days of summer. Whether or not you're of a similar mind, a nice way to wait out the short gray days is to create a perfect cozy nook in your home that you can go to relax and decompress. This can be a low-commitment,...

2024 Interior Design Trends: A Continued Focus On Sustainability and Showcasing Individuality

2024 interior design trends include continuing to prioritize sustainability, using natural materials, mixing eras, and flaunting what makes you unique. Trends are fickle things, and I tend to give them little weight in my choices because of that. All that said, it doesn't hurt to stay in the loop because trends impact the industry,...

Your Complete Bathroom Renovation Guide

Starting a bathroom renovation can be a exciting, but it has it's fair share of challenges. Here is a complete bathroom renovation guide with step-by-step instruction to help your project go as smoothly as possible: First Phase Steps First, Define Your Goals and Budget: Determine...